Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Truths and Lies. (Topic #2)

I think it is best to only lie when it is neccesary, and suttle. If someone really likes something, and asks me what i think about it, i will most likely say "i like it too" or "yeah, its cool" whether thats actually what i think or not. I personally, dont start lies of my own. Like saying things out of no where that are compltely untrue. I just sometimes lie to people to keep from hurting their feelings, or something like that. When people tell me things, i keep them to myself. For example-
If someone was to tell me something and someone else came up asking me if i knew about it, i would most likely say no. I have found out from experience, that some things are just better left unsaid, and it saves a ton of drama.

I basically look at lying in two different lights; negitive and positive. Negitive lying would be lying to hurt someone intentionally, to make yourself lok better then you actually are, or to keep yourself out of trouble. You have to fess up to your mistakes and learn from them!
Postive lying would be lying to protect someones feelings, or to stay out of drama. Just not spreading the information that was confided in you.

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