Sunday, October 11, 2009

Topic #4: We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do

It's Homecoming Week!  Everybody dress up in -- what is it?  Oh, yes, I think Retro Day is tomorrow.  I suppose that means I should get a mullet and peg my jeans.  (Stop before you get too excited: I'm never going to get a mullet.  Never.  Seriously.)

I told you all in class that I don't believe in school spirit.  I wasn't very clear about why.  I said that I think there is too much of an emphasis on athletics, which is attached to school spirit -- after all, this entire week of celebrations is basically revolving around a football game -- and that's true, but there's more to it.  It has to do with my feelings about pride in places and names, such as pride in one's family or community, in one's alma mater or graduating class, in one's favorite team or band or NASCAR driver, in one's religion, in one's country.  It also has to do with my own high school experience, which, as I've mentioned, was less than sublime; I had no interest in belonging to my school or my class, and I never once attended a sporting event nor, as I recall, a pep assembly (They were not mandatory at Newton North High School; in fact, I don't believe they happened during school hours -- I don't remember getting to leave early.) I have a large, even sweeping, opinion on the whole thing.

But once again, my opinion is not the important one.  Yours is the important -- well, not one, since there are 35 of you.  But your opinions are more important than mine.  I may try to get to my opinion later on, but first I want to hear what you have to say.

What is your opinion of school spirit?  How would you define it?  Do you think it is fun, or pleasant, or interesting, in and of itself?  Is school spirit good for you, helpful for you, personally?  Does it serve a greater purpose?  If so, what is that greater purpose?  Is St. Helens High School successful in using school spirit to accomplish that purpose?  If not, could it improve?  How?

I also wonder about your feelings about pride in other groups, so I'll ask: what else are you proud of, other than your own accomplishments?  Are you proud of your family name and reputation?  Your town, state, or country?  Your religion?  Your membership in a club, or your inclusion in a group such as supporters of a certain college football team?  What are your thoughts about this kind of pride, this group spirit?

As always, you do not have to answer all of those questions, or even any of them; you just have to respond to the topic in some way.  Your responses are due by Saturday, October 17.

1 comment:

  1. hey mr. humphrey just wanted to comment to you about my lies post
    yes of course it was a joke but i agree with you sometimes people aren't able to tell the difference between a joke and being serious.
    joking now
    oh and by the way typically if something is overused then its not taken quite as seriously and i, by the way, just loooove being rebellious you normal people are a bunch of losers for not digging anarchy and cool stuff like that.also thats what kids are,obnoxious get over it, maybe you shouldnt have been a teacher if that stuff bothers you
    dont take what i say seriously also
    and i think anarchy is retarded
    have a good one mr.H


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