Sunday, October 11, 2009


For I don't mind school spirit mostly because I am in sports and having the students involved with it is fun. Like the soccer assembly for example that was probably the funnest pep assembly I have ever been to because I was in it and they are funner if you get to do the activities. I think pep assemblies are good because it gives students stuff to do as a class but students who don't want to go shouldn't have to go, there should be something else for students to do or they should just be able to leave because it's not like it has anything educational so it shouldn't be mandatory.
I participate in these things but I don't think I have tons of pride in my school, I have more pride in the important things to me and that is family, friends, education, and sports. I am so proud of my family and our reputation, my dad is pretty known in this town and it's in a good way, same with my mom and brother so when people ask me if I am related to them i say yes with a smile on my face. I also take pride when people say I look exactly like my mom. I take pride in my friends because they are always by my side and make me laugh, my education because it is one of the most important things to me because I am going to go to college, and i want to do whatever I can to make my applications stand out compared to anyone else's. And my sports because if I didn't do sports I don't know what I would do, I've been involved with sports competitively since I was about six, so i put a lot into sports.

1 comment:

  1. it is very true that there are alot of other things to be proud of other than school spirit and its not wrong if its not on the very top of peoples prioreties, but it still is good to participate so yes I agree with you kelsey and I dont think pep assemblies should be mandatory either


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