Thursday, October 15, 2009

School Spirit? Laaame.

Such is the general tone of a person who openly opposes the concept of school spirit. They think it's lame, they think it's conformist, so they just sit down at pep asseblies and screw it up for the people who get into it. On the other hand, the assemblies are mandatory, and if you'd rather spend the time reading than all the better to you.

So what's the point? School spirit as a concept is clearly something made up by the school, as a method of getting everybody riled up for the positive . Is it a conspiracy to get us all to go to football games and buy their overprices concessions? Possibly. But then again, perhaps it's for sanity. We're all stuffed like sardines into a small school, often doing work against our will. Put in the occasional fun game, and we won't go mad. School spirit is the radio in the background to the metaphorical sweatshop of SHHS.

As angry as that metaphor may seem, I like school spirit. We're here for four years, and it's nice to have a little personality behind the time spent here. Shockingly enough, 30 years from now, you may enjoy the memories of competing for the spirit stick. It's stupid but fun - why not get into it?


  1. Chris I TOTALLY agree with you...
    ANNNDDD if your just gunna read go to the friggen Library!

  2. Are we allowed to do that? That would be totally awesome! And the day I start remembering pep assemblies positively is the day I go senile.


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