Sunday, October 18, 2009

School Spirit

I think that the idea of school spirit is a good thing. It's supposed to be fun and get you involved. The whole point is to support us ourselves the student body and the establishment we attend 5 days a week for like 7 hours a day. I think that there's no reason not to just participate and have fun. I mean seriously everyone does make a big deal about it but so are you people that refuse to have school spirt. WHY NOT get excited? WHY NOT cheer on your team? Do you think our athletes drag themselves to every practice fundraiser and game just to be unrecognized and unappreciated? You like it when people give you a pat on the back and say good job when you know you deserve it right? Well so do they. It's fun to dress up and scream and yell your loudest. How often do you get to do that? And you can't tell me you don't like competing with the other grades and the awesome feeling when you know your class is the best at something. So you're really only dissing yourself when you choose not to participate. I can see the other side of things though also. I understand that you don't get to voice your opinions and have things the way you voted just because CERTAIN OTHER PEOPLE want things their way. They have to control EVERYTHING even if they aren't good at it just to be in control and they have to boss people around and then they wonder why they don't get your respect when they glare at you and yell at you to stand up. And I know that you don't respect THEM because they don't respect you and their personalities suck and they only do what they want to do. But you have to understand something. By you choosing not to participate it allows them to continue doing things their way and ignoring you and disrespecting you. School spirit might not be a fun thing for you because of these very reasons. If these people are your reasons for not having school spirit just because you don't want to follow their orders please change your mind. Don't let them do things their way any more. Participate, voice your opinion and things might change. Make it what you want it to be and have fun! If you sit there and sulk don't expect things to get better. If you aren't being peppy for other reasons please ask yourself this: Our school "sucks" and our town is gross and everything but have you ever thought that maybe at least while we're here we can make it not suck by getting involved, and heaven forbid maybe even getting a bit excited? Yes I know what you're probably thinking. She's a cheerleader it's her job to be peppy blah blah blah NO. I'm not saying any of this because I'm a cheerleader. I believe in school spirit because it's a chance for all of us to come together, have fun and support each other. So what do you say? Let's get a little bit rowdy;)


  1. I really like your say on this. I like how it doesn't say just one opinion, and that it shows everyones side of the story. Kudos to you!!!!

  2. I'm not trying to get after you at all, but here's another thought. What if the reason for not being involved is just you don't feel like it that day, and you don't have anything for or against it, but you're really tired so you stay sitting down. And then someone screams at you to stand up, so you can win a spirit stick? I'm sorry, but I don't see the point. I mean I understand getting excited to have fun, that much I honestly do, but when people are mean because you don't participate it doesn't make you want to work towards helping them get what they want. It makes you want to counteract their efforts more than anything. I just think it's kind of ridiculous that people get so worked up about it. I respect people who enjoy it, what I don't respect is people not respecting one's decision whether or not to participate.

  3. Im not gonna lie, but "So whatta you say? Lets get a little bit rowdy (wink)" sounds a little weird...

  4. I agree with Elisa... it is fine-to a point- to be a little excited but not to let it get out of hand and start yelling at people just because they don't want to stand up.


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