Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Why? Why did you need to put that as a topic!? I'm not going to lie, but I hate pep assemblies. My mom is laughing at me, because she thinks that they aren't bad, and that I'm just complaining for no reason. But really, why do we need them? There is absolutely no point! Well, I take that back. There is, but the dare I say that the majority of the student body don't care. I know that it's at least half. But I guess I can sort of understand school pride, etc. Think about it. The students are what people see of St. Helens. We need to have pride(I can't believe I just wrote that) in what St. Helens should stand for, and not what people assume or degrade us for standing for. I guess what I'm getting at is that School spirit has been blown up into ridiculous assemblies, dress up weeks, etc, and it's not what it originally stood for, ie pride and stuff. This topic is a direct example of that. What is everyone writing about? Pep assemblies! And Mr. Humphrey had so much more in his post than pep assemblies. It's all ridiculous in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. You mean other schools are spying on our pep assemblies?!


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