Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Random Thoughts

So I was thinking. It kind of has to do with the whole question thing. Why is it that people always want what they don't have. For example, some people who are tall want to be shorter, some that are short want to be taller. People with short hair want long hair, people with long hair want short hair, people with straight hair want curly hair, people with curly hair want straight hair, and the list goes on and on and on. So why? Why cant we just be happy with what we have?

Everyone is always complaining about how they wished something was a different way, like being tan for an example, in the winter people aren't tan because there is no sun or heat to make it that way so what does someone do they come up with tanning beds or spray tans so people can make themselves turn orange and look way worse then having light skin.

Another thing I learned that happens when you try to change your hair color is that if you use a box or even at the salon it doesn't always come out right and then you have to find a way to change it or deal, so I learned no more hair dye for me. But it did make me realize that in today's society no one is ever really satisfied with how they look they always want something changed or different. Why does society affect the way we think or do things?

the truth about truths and lies

allrighty lets start with the basics.
telling the truth is good, lying is bad.
its easier to lie in order to get out of stuff but you will most likely be a happier person if you tell the truth
People are going to lie to you.... possibly a lot, you're going to have to get over it, a lot of people in this world are douche bags
its bad...........
trust me............
if you do..........
prinnys(evil little penguin with chainsaws and bombs).......
will hunt you down..............
and kill you.

Patrick Henry is a big liar
that's why he hasn't been at school lately............
hes dead

have a good day
smiles and shit,Jonah

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Sad Truth:

To be honest, I hate lying. I'm not very good at it, and when I do it makes me feel bad. But lying is in our culture, its everywhere. The Media especially. So what are we supposed to do when we get dumped into a society that revolves around stories that sway from the truth? We adapt...we lie. We lie about small things and large things. Everyone lies, because thats the society we were all born into. We lie without knowing it, but most of the time those are little harmless lies. But what about the huge lies? Those are the ones that start trouble. "Did you hear what she said about her?" And there you go. A lie in itself is such a simple thing. It's not the truth. But theres so much more than that. Lies have a way of growing, of changing. So how do WE change? Because at the rate things are going, how do you EVER know the truth? Everyone lies all the time, some people are so good at it you can never tell. So, in a world lie today, how do we trust anyone? How do we KNOW anything? We don't. We just know what we think. And that can be influenced by lies. So the sad truth is that, while we may think we know who our true friends are, we may be wrong. Because no one can tell these days. Who are the liers? Are you?

duck, duck, LIE!

so this is a truth vs. lie thing huh? well obviously the truth is going to win on this one because people want to seem like a goodie two-shoes so over popular vote, the the truth will win hands down... but if this was over which one gets used more... the lie would kill the truth. most people care more about saving their own skins if they could get away with lying because no one wants to face the aweful truth. yes the truth is better than the lie but the lie can get you out of a sticky situation for a short period of time.


well if i had a question i would ask a non soup one because they most likely are more fun and interesting and i would like to know. what is the best burger you've ever had? for me it would be one called the heart stopper burger found in north plains Oregon and i thought it was AMAZING. On it was a succulent beef patty with a fried egg and a thick juicy slice of ham topped off with some nice slices of bacon and melted cheddar cheese.

Lies over truth

I think that most of the time, blunt honesty is most effective. The direct truth is easier than creating a falsehood, and if any emotions get hurt in the process, then it's best to have them hurt early.

That being said, it can be hard to give the blunt truth when you know it'll hurt someone you love. So when you lie for the sake of somebody else, you're often protecting yourself. The satisfaction of keeping them happy is great, but you've got to be straight with them. If you don't let them know the truth, somebody else will. And then they're hurt not only by the situation, but by the fact your decieved them.


In my opinion, if you have to ask yourself, "Is this lying?", then you probably shouldn't be saying it. As to lying to protect people, if you can't say it to their face, then you probably shouldn't be thinking it. I've screwed alot of things up with that concept, but I've also saved relationships, so it's a two edged sword. If the usual questions came up, like "Do I look fat in this?" ask what they think, because they're usuall asking it for a reason. They have doubts. I know that I do. If I ask that question, then I would be honest, and say (politely) that yes, it does but if you did this... just sort of fix the situation. Sorry, I'm really scatter brained today, so this probably doesn't make much sense.


Lying is a very harmful thing. I have had a lot of people lie to me. This has made me very careful with who I tell things and who I trust. I don't appreciate being lied to and I thing only horrible people would do so to their 'friends'. I think that if someone trusts you enough to open up to you and tell you things you should be completely honest about what you say to them. Of course you should say it in a not harsh way but you should tell them the truth. People should never tell someone something just to make them feel better or to make them think something that is not true. I was very close friends with someone once until they started lying to me and telling me that things happened that really didn't.
Honesty can be hard. It takes courage to stand up to what you think and what you know is correct. Our society puts so much of an emphasis on being what and who everyone wants to be that you can never really know if you know someone. It's hard to tell the truth in a society so full of lies, but it's something we all should know how to do.

honesty hurts.

I think honesty is the best policy, but when it comes to hurting someone you should keep the truth to the bare minimum of what you have to say.
when your telling the truth it helps to tell them the positives first i think. it makes it easier for the person being told.
I would personally like to be told the truth rather then a lie.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Honesty Is The Best Policy

I believe that it is best to be honest. Sometimes we all lie about small things like "yes I made my bed today" or "I already did my hw mom!" Things like that are harmless and you know you'll probably do them later anyways. I think that it's not always easy to be honest like if someone asks you if they look good in this shirt or that dress and they don't. I wouldn't want them to go walking around like that though and we have to remember the consequences some of our lies can have on others. So in a case like that I would say in the nicest way that they should try on something else or mention how nice they looked in that other dress. It's not always necessary to lie when you could word something in a kinder but still truthful way. Sometimes we lie to cover for our bad behavior or wrong deeds we did to others that they might not know about yet. Or maybe we don't think others can handle the truth. In times like that I always remember that even though I might have done something wrong at least I'm coming clean and no one can say I tried to hide it. Plus if I decided to lie instead, when they did find out things would be much, much worse and possibly unsalvageable. It's not up to us to decide what other people can handle and what they should and shouldn't know. We have to be as honest as each one of us dares to be and hope for the best. We have to learn to deal with the truth and reality some day because the real world's not going to baby us. We don't want to be so fragile that one mean word or honest opinion can shatter us forever. I'm not saying I'm always honest but I try my best to be as honest as I can and I keep such things in mind when I'm in sticky situations.

Lying and Truth

Well, in my opinion it depends heavily on what the topic of conversation is. Say someone asks you if you are their friend when you don't really like them, and neither does anybody else. For me, that is an instance where you lie and say yes, because if you say no, it could lead that person down the wrong path. I always tell the person what they want to hear if they ask something that could have consequences if I say no. But if someone asks you something that does not have consequences you should tell them the truth. I guess you could say that I tell people what they want to hear when the conversation is serious, but other than that I just tell them what I think.

Lying about the truth or the truth about lying??

I think that telling the truth is very important, but sometimes a little lie might not be so bad. Like if its something so small it wont matter, and the truth would hurt the person anyway. I think where the most important times to be honest always are, in relationships, either friendships, love relationships or even family. It's important to be honest with them because it's unhealthy and hard to have a good relationship if its not built on honesty.

I think one problem with the truth is that by the time someone hears something it's been twisted around so many times that it might as well be a lie. Another thing is one of my friends once said, "It's not lying, I'm just not telling him what he doesn't need to know." I think it's better to be honest with someone even if what you did was wrong because when they find out on their own its worse.

I personally think I am an honest person, I've been told that I have a certain tone in my voice that gives it away when I am lying so most people can call my bluff, but I know some people that are such good liers.

The most common lies I know are when kids tell their parents they are doing one thing and actually doing something else, or when they are texting or talking to someone they say its someone else.

So pretty much I say sometimes the truth hurts, I think people just need to learn that.


I think that lying is bad. There are times when it is socially accepted to lie, ie. "you look great" or "This tastes really good." And I also believe that omitting information is not lying unless someone specifically asks for it. However, most other lies are bad. Even little lies can dig a hole, and then when people find out, they can't trust you anymore. If you have lied once, people know there is always the possibility you will lie again when it really matters. So, I just try not to lie.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

truth vs lie

I would say i am a very honest person thats something thats realy important to me and i try to always keep my truth when i do even stretch i cant get that i did out of my head so i try to keep honest

About that lying thing

I consider myself an honest fella, I do my best not to lie. But... I have my moments! It mainly just revolves around saying I did the dishes or swept the floor but never did, little things like that. There was a time I had kicked a hole in the wall because I was emotionally unstable at the moment, and I'm sure nobody would WANT to tell someone they did that to their wall.

So I didn't! And it felt great! Put the blame on someone else, ease the pressure. I guess what I'm trying to say is lying is a guilty pleasure that I enjoy in moderation like many great things in life.
Not to say that lying isn't "evil" as some would say, it's just great when it goes in your favor. I mean, how wonderful is it to think "hey. They totally believe me." after blowing up your yard or shooting up your basement? That you got away with being bad and mean, you didn't have to pay for your actions. That, is when a lie, is best used.

What wouldn't in my mind, be the best use for a lie, is, say, what you did over the weekend. Because then you're dragging yourself into a life you don't actually have, and you might end up driving yourself off the cliff of existence.

But hey, that's just my opinion, none of that really matters if you're good enough at not listening.
Here's a question for you though, do you ever really "ignore" someone? Or does everything they do no matter what, just cycle itself through your mind, consciously or subconsciously.

the tight rope of lying

Well there is a thin line between telling the truth and lying (its like .0000000000000000001) Sometimes its hard to tell because people bend the truth so that it may have a lot of truth but some lying mixed in, so would it be considered a whole lie or only a half truth? I guess telling a lie is only ok in certain situations, like if it doesn't effect someone else or hurt others feelings, but then again its hard to tell when it will and when it won't. Well I guess if someone was holding a gun to your head then it would be ok, unless they just kill you, then it was kinda a waste of breath. The other thing is other people could be just telling half the truth and leaving out all the rest, so would that be considered lying as well because the didn't tell the whole truth? So in my opinion it would probably be allot better if everyone could tell the truth most of the time, but the world isn't perfect and we are only humans after all, and I definitely know that I am only human as well, so the only thing I can really do is just try to be as honest as possible. As humans we walk a very tight rope between telling the truth and lying, and when we do walk on this acrobatic line we hope we don't fall in the process and break our necks.

Topic #2: What a Tangled Web We Weave

. . . when first we practice to deceive.

This week's topic: truth and lies, honesty and deception.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether it is better to tell the truth, or to lie. If it depends, on what does it depend? When you have to decide whether to be honest or deceptive, what factors do you consider? When is it better to tell the truth, and when is it better to lie? Why do you recommend/prefer that action at those times?

Is it best to tell the entire truth, or to leave some parts out? If you leave parts out, is that dishonest? Outright lying?

Is honesty really a better thing than deception? If it is not, why does our culture teach that it is? For that matter, does our culture truly teach that it is?

Do you consider yourself to be completely honest? If you don't, can you share something you have lied or would lie about -- a generic or invented example, if not an actual one?

One post from everybody by Saturday, October 3, please.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Alright, I'm confused.

   So do we answer peoples questions already or do we wait until they get into questionare form? Because some people are answering and if we are supposed to, I don't want to get knocked off points for not doing so. Sooo Mr. Humphrey a little help here? :]
Almost forgot about this. Whoops. My question is would you rather go on a tour of the United States, a tour of Europe, or a tour of Asia?
I've never blogged before so I am learning how to do this.
Why do people thing they are the best at something or kick butt, when honestly they don't.

Edited by Humphrey. I don't think Webdings are the best font for this, do you?
Tell you what: here's your grade.

0, which is an F. Just kidding.
What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?

My question

If you could do anything you wanted in life what would you do?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Did we really land on the moon?

Did we?? I mean why haven't we gone back since? What's that all about? I think it was all a setup so we could show Russia we are dominant. I think it was all done in a studio. What do you have to say about that Mr. Humphrey?
Is there a God


wow this to me a wale to figure out. ok so qweshtions qweshtions hmm. worst memory ever?

Random Fact #1

I have ten toes on my feet.

guys wearing girl pants

for some reason a lot of weird stuff is cool nowadays. Right now my question is going to be why the hell are these guys wearing girl pants. A lot of them try to sat that they are not that tight, dont believe them, they are lying. i know because i tried on a pair of these wretched nut huggers, and it sucked. basically i believe that the only reason that people do it is because its popular, because it obviously isn't because they are comfortable. So the previous is not my question but its combined with the next, how can it be worth it wear something so uncomfortable just because its cool. comments would be much appreciated but please dont write something like "they are not that uncomfortable" i most likely go to school with you and will know that you are obviously in denial and can just say that straight to you. so stop lying to yourself and add truthful comments......

and screw off pat im not a conformist

hmmmm :P

my question for you guys is what experince in life has taught you the most, and made you who you are today.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Most embarrasing thing??

Sooo... What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you, and why was it embarrassing to you? I mean like to me, talking in front of the whole class is really embarrassing, and I always forget my train of thought and blush really deeply lol. The most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me, though, would be....... telling my whole elementary school who I liked and having everyone laugh at me and make fun of me lol. X.x I'm a vurrryyyy shy person :(

So, about this truth thing

The most important truth I've ever known was quite possibly that I'm amazingly limited in my abilities. Like, I obviously don't currently have the brainpower to make a space station that shoots lasers and has it's own hydroponics system. And I'm certainly not fit enough to take a football team to some state champion hippity hoopla that'll bring some old coach a trophy and teardrop. I'm pretty sure my mathematical skills aren't going to bring my C++ dream any closer to reality, and I'm more than positive my ability to wash dishes is surpassed by teens everywhere.

What I can do though, is think, write, draw, learn, and express myself. While those may not be worthy skills of becoming some high payed lawyer or a moneybags Dr. Grossman, I'm sure with some effort I'll get there. Just need time, yeah?

So I ask this, in return, what would you say is your biggest downfall? What are you NOT proud of?


Whats your favorite genre? Who's your favorite band/artist? Why do you like it? And favorite song? Jonah likes everything that everyone else does because.... he's a conformist.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My question is...

“'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
My question is if you knew you would get a broken heart would you still fall in love? I'm just curious what other people think.

My question is..

When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?
When do we stop looking at the negitive side of things and start being positive?

I chose this question because lately I've been noticing that most (but certainly not all) my peers look at the negitive side of things first, myself included. It might be just the typical teenage drama, but when do we learn what to get worked up about and what to let go? I think this concept extends into other things to. Our media for example. Turn on your TV and watch the news. Most things reported are not postive, although some are. When do we learn to have a positive mindset?

An interesting queistion

In my opinion, one of the most important questions I could ask someone would be "Why do you believe in the faith or religious beliefs that you hold closest to you?" I don't ask this to find out what religion someone is or whether they believe in something or not but rather to see their point of view. Personally, I am not religious at all. I do not attend church or believe in god. You can make or this what you want but it is what I believe, I'm not saying that it's not possible for what other people believe in to be true, this is just my OPINION. Please don't try to tell me I'm wrong or that I should believe something else.
So, my question really comes out to be multiple questions. What do you believe in and why? When did you start believing this? Why? What do you know that supports the way you feel? Can it be scientifically proven? If not, do you believe the science that says your beliefs are not true?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


alright my question is: what is the most painful injury youve ever had and howd it happen?

It Goes On...

The most important truth I know is simply summarized in a quote by the famous poet, Robert Frost. He wisely stated that “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.” This truth is so important to me because it can keep one going through a hard time. In almost any hard situation the simple reminder that things won’t be the way they are forever can give one the strength to continue and be optimistic. And even at good times it can be a positive message, reminding one that life will continue, giving the chance for new happy events to occur.

My question is going to be “Who is the person who as influenced you the most in your life?” I choose this question because this summer I learned that there are more and better answers to questions like this other than “my mom” or “my brother” even if those are true. Just because you look up to someone, doesn’t mean that they are the person who influenced you the most. On the contrary someone who influenced you the most could be someone you absolutely detested and have been influenced to be completely opposite of them. This question though was truly influenced by a professor I had this summer who I’d be willing to bet would answer this question by saying Martin Luther King Jr. Some people who answer this question this way would answer it solely because they share views with him and admire his “I Have A Dream” speech. But the reason why her answer would lead me to ask this question is because of the reason her answer. Her reasoning would include that he was a father figure to her when at the age of fourteen she joined the civil rights movement and he took special interest in her because she always had to have her legal emancipation papers. She also probably would mention that he was the one who led her to major in philosophy and go into humanities work. Her reasoning inspired this question because it let me see that those who had great minds and were influential to many were also influential on a different, more personal level, a level that anyone can achieve. So when answering this question, include why they were so influential to you.


Ok, so i'm not really sure what exactly to write but I think I have a rough idea so my question.

What was the best advice you got from someone, who gave you the advice, and why do you think that it has impacted your life so strongly?

Thinking of a question

Alright my question for you guys is why do you think you have gotten to were you are today or what has helped you to the point you are in your life.


What is the most impactful thing that has ever happened in your life, if there isn't one specific one, why don't you think you haven't had one yet

What annoys you most in the world?

Fairly simple question. For me, it's mis-information; the act of passing off a lie as truth/news - when you know it's a falsehood. Especially when people trust you as a source - it's cruel, and an abuse of power. Even worse is when somebody uses it for political or otherwise personal gain.

Q's and A's

the most important truth, thats a hard one hmmm. I might have to go with the single fact that the sun will rise tomarrow. That means a new day, a new start, hey even a new life. it gives you the freedom to do what you want with your life, every single day.

As for the question, What are some other online blogs that you like to read.

One question.

My question is non-soup. Would you rather be a geek or a nerd all referring to the current slang terms of the name? I'm not asking if you want to be a carnival performer that bites the heads off live chickens or snakes which is the non-slang definition of geek. The reason I ask this question is just because its interesting.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh lol!!!

I'm writing again so soon!! My question is if you could do anything for the world what would you do? (and no world peace doesn't count) Have fun think about it and then leave a comment I want to know what you peoples think.

well lets see...

What is the single most important truth you know?

The very single most important truth I know....hmmmm...I know that if you keep your feet planted firmly on the ground, your heart open, and your mind clear it's allot easier to think and have fun because that's what really counts in life. I mean if nobody enjoyed life then it would be just a waste of time, so enjoy it, cut loose and just have a ball!! So the single most important thing I know is that life is already serious enough, sometimes it's good just to laugh for a while. So start laughing.

Thanks for the information

Thanks about the publishing information Mr. Humprey, but I don't exactly want to be an author for my entire life. I just find writing interesting and pretty much the most amazing thing ever. I have other plans for the future and i just write on the side, but when I ended up writing a whole story I thought it would be cool if I could get it published while being a teen.

I was going to ask you if that sometime when I finish my self editing would you help me edit some more?? I would really like some help with it from someone who knows what they are doing, because so far I'm the only one who has done some editing and I need an outsiders help and view.

And for that everything happens for a reason, if you really want to know where it comes from in my life I can explain it sometime, but not exactly in writing. It actually took me one or two years after a big thing happened in my life to realize it.

The Single most important truth I know...

The single most important truth I know would have to be either that " remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all..." -Elie Wiesel or " live you must give your life away..." -Relient K. My first quote states that basically you can't go through life never voicing your opinions or standing up for someone against the things you know are morally wrong. So many people all through history have made that mistake. They underestimate the power of their words and freedoms and how they can use them to help others. Weither out of fear or ignorance or selfishness. Whatever their reason is it is unacceptable for people to stand by and watch as wrongs are being done. Wrongs they could have stopped or brough attention to. When humanity realizes the power that each of them holds to make our world a better place it will be the day that evil people will no longer rule over us and they will know that the violent acts and hatred they stand for will no longer be tolerated. My second quote means (at least as I interprut it as a altruist and future humanitarian) is that to really live you have to dedicate yourself to others and causes. Most people don't feel so strongly a need to help people nor do they usually connect with them or understand things as deeply as I seem to. So maybe the second quote applies more to me in general than to a broader audience. Then again that's what truths are. They are the things in life that seem to be themes for you and that mean something to you. They are what you live your life by and set your standards to. Not anyone elses. Though some people might have the same truths in common they will still mean different things in different ways to everyone. With that said, my question is what do you want your legacy to be?


Well, that obviously is a non-working question to ask. My question though ( :P ) is if you were holding a party for 28 average american men, how many extar crispy chicken wings would you need to order from KFC? Think on it... this is important (ownzed Tiffany).

What I Have to Say...

What do I think is the most important truth? Hrm.. That's a good question. I think it's that there is truth. We just have to be brave enough to question, and not be afraid of what people think. One of my most favorite sayings is "How could I be afraid to speak the truth?"(Scribbler of Dreams, Mary Pearson) We have to not be afraid of the truth, of what it will do to our future. We have to want it. Just a few thoughts.

And my question? My favorite question is "Why?", but that won't work in this context, so what is the biggest thing that has influenced your life, and being born doesn't count!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

i wanna blog!

Hey i can do alot of crazy stuff with this... cool. Anyway my question is what is the best book you have ever read in your life?

i think thats a good one for english class anyway! CAN'T WAIT UNTILL OCTOBER!!!

My Question

Hi. Um, my question is.. who's your favorite author?

Alright guys;

     I'm so happy that I got this shot because it took me awhile to get it right and I finally got it! So I decided on sharing it with the world, or with you guys atleast :] So here it is:

OH! There's this other one too. It's my neighbors dog and I took this just randomly and I can't believe how it turned out! It's so hilarious :D

aparently when you try to blog from your iPod you can only write in the title..........Kinda weird

You're so Philosophical ;]

What exactly is reality?
         People would argue it's what is currently happening to you, the keyboard, the computer screen, these words, me, you, talking to someone on the phone, rain, which most of you probably thought of a memory right away. Are memories considered reality? They already happened to you, keyword: happened. When you think of a memory, is the actual memory reality? Or is it you thinking of the memory reality? And what about dreams.. who says dreams aren't reality? We all have had dreams that seem so real and when we were dreaming it, we thought it was reality. Maybe we never really "stepped out" of the dream and we are still currently dreaming and dreaming is the real reality.

    I am asking this question because I am really curious to see what people have to say, and I wanted to ask a philosophical question haha. I think this question will get a lot of interesting answers and such. Well, I would hope so :]

Soo my contribution to the questionare:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Kay, I got this figured out now. :P

So what is the most important truth I know? I guess it would be that Sour Punch Straws, Bites, and Mini Straws are all equally important in this world as anyother peice of food. They are consistent, because they always taste good no matter what, so you can count them, especially the Apple flavored ones. tey got attitude. :)

Im new to blogger, so I'm not really sure what I'm doing right now...

Hey! Is this posted?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

K-Oliver's Post

So this is answering Mr. Humphrey's post about the question: What is the single most important truth you know?

I don't know if i have single most but i have one that is more of a belief and another that is a goal. My belief is that everything does happen for a reason. We don't always know why something is happening at the time but in the future you will look back and see why it happened. I think we need to question what does happen to beable to understand it. I personally know i will never fully understand some things in my life that have happened. But as we get older we learn and start to put pieces together. I feel that when things do completely fall apart they will fall into better places and move on from there. I don't really know how to explain this any further, I mostly know this and believe this because of my life experiences.
My truth that is a goal, is that i want to be a published writer before i am 18. Last year in my english class we had to write at least a page everyday for a journal, I had decided to write off the same story everday. I ended up writing in mine almost maybe more than 5 pages a day outside of class. I ended up with about 150 pages, and right now i am working on editing and getting closer to sending it off to be published. This goal will happen and if not i can at least say i tried.
Now that i am done ranting my answers. i have my question. My favorite question to ask people is either What is your favorite memory? I like it because someones favorite memory shows what they liked to do and maybe still like or what was a good moment in their life. It also shows a litlle bit of they're personality and something that has helped shape who they are.

So the question again is: What is your favorite memory?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Topic #1: No Soup for You!

In keeping with our running theme so far this year, I thought this introductory blogging experience should relate to questions. You all had a chance to ask me questions -- the vast majority of which were non-soup questions, or questions that failed to gain you information important to you personally -- and you have answered, in writing, my question about who you are.

So let's keep it going.

One of the most common internet experiences is the internet quiz, or questionnaire. Entire sites are devoted to the creation and administration of quizzes that claim to answer for you the burning question of Which Muppet Are You?, or What Is Your O.C. I.Q.?, (Wow, how often do you see those three punctuation marks right in a row?) or How Many Kindergartners Could You Take In A Fight?

Twenty-five, if you're wondering. According to the quiz, that is -- I have never verified it.

But as silly as those quizzes are, they're still fun. And the questionnaires -- those lists of questions, usually fifty in number, that you have to copy and paste, answer, and then spread like a chain letter -- are repetitive, but still give interesting information about the people who show you their answers.

I am suggesting that we make a class questionnaire: a better one than what we've all seen in e-mails and on social networking sites. Each of us will contribute one question. It should be a non-soup question, but it should be a question you would like answered; and there should be a rationale or at least a reason why you chose to contribute that particular question. Your post should present your question and explain your choice -- you don't need to give your answer to your own question. Not yet, at least.

Mr. H's Post:
Conceiving this blog got me thinking: what are my favorite questions? My favorite question to ask, when I expect an answer, is: "Why?" I feel it is the most important piece of information in any exchange, because it gives one insight into another's mindset, and intentions; I think the way people think is fascinating, and so it is what I always want to know. But it only works when there is a conversation prior to it; if I walked up to random people on the street and asked, "Why?" I would not get a good answer. My favorite question to ask, when I don't expect or care for an answer, is either "Who put the bop in the bop-shu-bop-shu-bop?" or "Who put the ram in the ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong?" I enjoy the response I get, which is usually little more than a blank look. My favorite question to answer is "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" This is my favorite because I know the answer: about 700 pounds.

I think the best question to ask of people, without any prior context to give it relevance, is this:
What is the single most important truth that you know?
I like this question because it forces the respondent to consider and eliminate different possibilities before answering, which means there is less chance that I get an answer that is too easy or oversimplified. People generally don't want to give a joke answer because people do know important truths, and they are generally things we want to share with others -- they're important, after all! -- but are uncomfortable sharing unasked. The answer, when honest, gives quite good insight into the respondent -- it often reveals religious convictions, or lack thereof; or philosophical conclusions, or goals and ideals. It shows the person's main lens through which he or she views the world, which I consider the most important piece of information one can get about another. What I mean is: I am a literature guy, a word guy, so I think of things in terms of words; I want to hear what people said when they did this or that, and I want to read their explanation of why. If I was more of an action person, I might want to just get out there and do things myself -- and so on. That's my lens, and it tells a lot about me. But the best thing about my question is this: it asks for these very difficult and important and personal opinions in a way that most people can understand, and respond to.

That's my contribution: What is the single most important truth you know?

Your turn.