Friday, September 25, 2009

Is there a God


  1. I think so. If you're asking that because you don't know, then no one can answer that for you.

  2. if there is a god, i have seen no evidence of his/her existence so to me no. there is no god

  3. I think that there was SOMETHING that sparked the Big Bang. Be it a God that's constantly watching over our every move, or just another being from a different dimension that accidentally created our universe in a petri dish, I agree with the very base concept of God. The rest is debatable.

  4. Sure, of course there's a god -- why not? The question that matters is: is god involved in our lives, in our world?

  5. I believe in some sort of creation.
    I don't believe that nothing turned into our entire universe.When I try and imagine it,It just never fits right,I can't wrap my head around it. But then I can't wrap my head around the idea of there being an all-knowing being who has always been. So I guess I'm open to anything.

  6. I do not believe it is possible for there to be a god or even some all powerful being who watches over us.

  7. Maybe something created us, but I seriously doubt it was only one, and that it listens to prayers.

  8. Yes there is a God, but that's my opinion so it's not really important to anyone else but me so....yeah.

  9. of course there is a god. it make alot more sense then what your science class is trying to teach you! come on!! how can yo make something out of nothing? unless there is a higher power doing all of this

  10. I don't know and I think it is whatever people personally think and everyone acts like we need to know and we don't because things that are unknown gives the world a bigger imagination.

  11. Never met him so i can't be sure

  12. no, i just cant see it :/

  13. I think there is a supreme being, whether the name be god or not.

  14. Nope again its completely just a lottery

  15. I think, that there may be a higher more intelligent being out there, but to suggest that there is only one and tht he watches over us and has the power to grant us wishes, and send us to some Paradise City (Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty!), or to the bowels of the Earth seems a little much. I think people may have "visions" that they interpret to be sent from a higher being just to gain favor or power, which could have sparked a religion. But have any of you seen the movie Religulous? Because in that movies it says that there were religions earlier than Christianity and the major religions today that had a man born on Christmas, and a virgin who birthed him, and even three wise men, and other stuff that made it almost the same as modern day christianity. I just think that with so much stuff in the bible that u have to consider, it just makes the religion harder and harder to believe. So honestly, no, I dont believe in a single God.


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