Tuesday, September 22, 2009


alright my question is: what is the most painful injury youve ever had and howd it happen?


  1. Well I have broken my leg twice the second time i had to have two steel screws put in to hold it together- I was running in the gym and slipped in a puddle of water(2nd) The first time I fell in a goofer hole on a soccer feild

  2. I have never broken a bone, so I'm going to have to say when I seriously sprained my ankle, and I found out I had hyper active joints, and it's never fully healed.

  3. When i broke my elbow, dude that sucked. It was during volleyball and i went to dig and went elbow first. Dont know how that happened, but it did. Didnt work out to well. Then on top of the pain, i had my team mates standing over me laughing. It was like that scene you always see in movies where the person wakes up in the hospital with the doctors over them; yeah just like that. Crazy.

  4. I've never broken a bone so i am going to say either bruising my shinbone so bad i couldnt walk normal for a week, getting my fingers hit by a strike pitch straight on with nothing hitting the ball first to give it some deflection or getting a ball throw pretty dang hard and it hitting me right between the shoulder blades

  5. I dislocated my knee because these two douche bags named austin and alex took me up in the mountains and sent me down a very large hill without disc brakes and i ran full speed into a rock

  6. Kimberly: That's just not right. I can't believe they laughed at you! Should be ashamed of themselves.

    Jack: That's a bad story, and you've got some annoying friends -- but dude, you're the one who took the ride. Own your stupidity: it'll make you a better person.

    I've never been seriously hurt -- I never played sports, neener neener -- so my worst injury has been two different stitch-worthy wounds in my hand. My most painful injury was probably when my brother and I rode a toboggan down an icy hill straight into a fence post. Aaaand my stupidest was when I gave myself a serious black eye by hitting my face on the arm of a chair.

  7. I twisted my ankle when I was 5 and it won't let me forget it.

  8. I broke my wrist when I was.. um, I can't remember. A while ago. Apparently, it did let me forget it.

  9. Um, in kindergarten I cut my leg open while taking out the garbage. And the thing is, my little sister got to take out one bag and I was jealous. So I WANTED to take out the bag of garbage. And it had a piece of glass in it, so then I had to get nine stitches. And then I started growing a ton, and my scar keeps growing with me! It's weird. When I was four I ate dramamine. That wasn't painful. But still, I had to go the hospital. And then when I was two, I swallowed a chicken bone from KFC. For like years I wouldn't eat chicken after that. But the craziest thing of all, is that I still have a chicken bone somewhere in me. I'm part chicken!

  10. I'd have to say straining my knee which I did this year. I have broken my wrist but my knee has kept me from doing things and hurts when I'm doing activities.

  11. I have never been seriously injured. Hard to believe, but nonetheless cool.

  12. my mom cracked my big toe nail when i was either 4 or 5 years old. there was alot of blood.

  13. One summer, I pulled out of the driveway on my bike, and tipped over into a pile of gravel. While wearing shorts.

    My knee still has scars.

  14. I drink milk so I dont have any

  15. Ryan i had this whole message typed out about how i dont get hurt because i drink milk and then i looked up and you stole it :(
    but i really havent gotten hurt really bad... knock on wood

  16. I sprained my ankle in sixth grade, and I still have issues with the ankle... :/

  17. I threw a rock straight up into the air I caught it with my face... Try it next time your bored it really livens up your day...

  18. Ummm I broke my wrist in 2nd grade because I fell off the monkey bars :(

  19. tooth pick stuck in my foot and i stepped on it...

  20. My friend Nate kicked a toothpick and it caught on the asphalt and went through his shoe and stuck in his toe!! Weird huh. My worst on eis when I hit a pothole on my bike and fell on my face. Scraped it up pretty bad.


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