Thursday, September 17, 2009

K-Oliver's Post

So this is answering Mr. Humphrey's post about the question: What is the single most important truth you know?

I don't know if i have single most but i have one that is more of a belief and another that is a goal. My belief is that everything does happen for a reason. We don't always know why something is happening at the time but in the future you will look back and see why it happened. I think we need to question what does happen to beable to understand it. I personally know i will never fully understand some things in my life that have happened. But as we get older we learn and start to put pieces together. I feel that when things do completely fall apart they will fall into better places and move on from there. I don't really know how to explain this any further, I mostly know this and believe this because of my life experiences.
My truth that is a goal, is that i want to be a published writer before i am 18. Last year in my english class we had to write at least a page everyday for a journal, I had decided to write off the same story everday. I ended up writing in mine almost maybe more than 5 pages a day outside of class. I ended up with about 150 pages, and right now i am working on editing and getting closer to sending it off to be published. This goal will happen and if not i can at least say i tried.
Now that i am done ranting my answers. i have my question. My favorite question to ask people is either What is your favorite memory? I like it because someones favorite memory shows what they liked to do and maybe still like or what was a good moment in their life. It also shows a litlle bit of they're personality and something that has helped shape who they are.

So the question again is: What is your favorite memory?


  1. Heh, becoming a published writer is a pretty big goal nowadays, good luck with it.

    Even though I'm not an assigned student, I'll answer the question you asked;
    My favorite memory is of the first day I realized life wasn't always easy. The challenges in life give me strength and a bit of motivation, unless they're challenges I got tired of.. Then they bore me to death!

  2. For your truth that you've seen: I can understand the idea that everything happens for a reason, but what if it isn't your reason? I mean, you and I, and 34 other people in this class, are involved in each others' lives, at least a little bit, every weekday around 2:00. So when something happens that affects us all, but affects us all differently -- how can I know that the reason behind that event has to do with my life? Is it really possible that every single event has a rationale for how it affects every single person who might be influenced by it?
    Whew, that's a tangled web, there.

    For your goal: Absolutely, try to get published, if Christopher Paolini (who is NOT a good writer) can get published, then so can you. But if you want to be an author for your entire life, remember there are never any deadlines for when you need to get published; even if it happens later in life, when you are 20, 25, 50, or 100, so long as you keep writing between now and then, whenever you do break into publishing, you'll just have that much more material to publish. If that makes sense.

  3. my single most important truth I know is something along the lines of knowing that I am in control of my actions. I can choose not to do certain things and to do others and that nobody has control of this but me. They can try to influence me but it always comes down to my choice.

  4. Im answering the question! My favorite memory is when I was littler and I rode my bike by myself for the first time but I thought my dad was still holding on to my bike, and I yelled back at him to keep pushing the bike and then I crashed.....yep lol but I got right back up and kept going.

  5. my favorite memory... thats a hard one because most of my memories are either boring or bad memories sooooo.... um.... i guess my tenth birthday because that was the birthday that i always remember the most. i got the best presents and i was still into toys and stuff so i got alot of presents, including my PLAYSTATION 2!!!!! and along with it my kingdom hearts game!!! ah yes... if it wern't for that birthday i would be incomplete

  6. My favorite memory would have to be every single Christmas Eve mixed together. In my family (as with a lot of others, I'm sure) Christmas Eve is a bigger deal than the actual Christmas day. I remember times where we all sang around the piano. Other times we'd be listening to Christmas music on the radio and talking. And the food is amazing!! It's just a ton of fun to be with my family. Usually it's just my immediate family and my Grandpa. Sometimes we invite other people too. I like the feeling of happiness there is. I just love it. Last year was a bit different because of all the snow. My sisters weren't able to get a plane back home from college until about four in the afternoon. But once they were home it was amazing! I love my family. :)

  7. My favorite memory is last spring break when I went to Italy to see my sister. I found out how different cultures can be.

  8. I'm not sure if this is my favorite memory but is's a good one. I'n 8th grade at one of the track meets I won the 1500 by at least half a lap and it felt great

  9. My favorite memory? Probably (feel free to judge me and point and laugh) was this like, week long game of D&D I played a few years ago. I was Kylee the druid, and killed many a ghoul on my trip to the lair of Grimnash. Those were good times.

  10. Probobly the memories from backstage at the various plays I've done.

  11. All my memories are pretty good so I couldn't choose.

  12. Favorite... hmm i like them all so much, but my favorite would have to be when i first learned how to ride my bike, then fell down.

  13. I think my favorite memory is the sense of accomplishment I felt on the last day of summer school for surviving.

  14. Playing with my legos when I first turned 4

  15. When I went to Disneyland for the first time :)

  16. well.... i think it would have to be in eighth grade when me and mr. lawrence did the sibling relay. yup those were the good ol days

  17. My favorite memory is nothing. Just because I think about stuff so danged much when I try to fall asleep that it takes me like literally 2 hours to fall asleep. So I wish I could just think about NOTHING.

  18. my favorite memory is my birthday party up in washington with all my friends


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