Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thinking of a question

Alright my question for you guys is why do you think you have gotten to were you are today or what has helped you to the point you are in your life.


  1. i don't know... i would just call it being lucky i guess. lol

  2. My friends and my family. Such a cliche answer, but it's true!

  3. Friends and family as tiffany said, but i also think for me its the situations i have gone through that has made me who i am.

  4. I'm very smart (A supergenius, even) -- which means I learn quickly and recall well -- I'm creative and can make intuitive leaps, I have read an awful lot of books and done an awful lot of learning, I have ambitions and aspirations and ideals that I have polished and honed and kept near to my heart, and I work very, very hard, using everything I have to be everything I can be. It also helps that I'm 35 and have had all those years to do stuff. I can't wait until I'm where I'll be when I'm 50.

    What, you wanted a short answer?

  5. All the things I've done and gone through have made me who I am.

  6. My family, friends, other people, and just day to day life

  7. My fam. They just know me. And they help me move along. So even though they tease me horribly, it's made me better.

  8. My friends and family, of course.

  9. I think it's just a bunch of little things

  10. Luck. I don;t think I've made any right choices in life, I've just gotten lucky.

  11. me being me!
    just kidding...
    friends family pets

  12. Parents without them im sure i would be nowhere

  13. I think I have gotten to where I am today because I refuse to take what's handed to me on a silver platter. I always do things the hard way, sometimes I regret it later and other times I'm glad that I didn't take shortcuts, but I think in the long and short of things that has caused most of the decisions I've made and hence the outcomes.

  14. It sheer luck nothing more nothing less

  15. Friends family, the usual. :)

  16. every little thing that has added up in y life

  17. My parents. They made me an intellectual being, and trained me to do well in school, but these cays Im finding it harder and harder to keep up A's, and my parents give me a hard time for it. I mean, Im not like Ben and Will, Im just not as academically inclined, but my parents expect me to be, so its kinda hard in Highschool right now. Sorry, that was kinda off topic.


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