Saturday, September 26, 2009

My question

If you could do anything you wanted in life what would you do?


  1. Be good at everything. But that's pushing the question. I wish that I coldu get a super nice camera, magically become amazing at photography, and then travel the worl documenting peoples lives.

  2. If I could do ANYTHING, (This meaning it couldnt actually happen) I would want to know everything. Everything about everything. Now of course this could never truly happen, but isnt it a nice thought? Knowing everything there is to know? Literally.

  3. 1. Live forever.

    If that's not an option, write novels professionally.

  4. Haven't I already answered this? Get rid of the idiots :P

  5. OMG you baby killer! Idiot means IQ of baby. I would live forever, and reserve the right to grant others immortality.

  6. I would like to travel the world and see things that others haven't.
    I would also like to eliminate the idea from everyone's minds that they are some how better that others be it race, sex, money, satus, etc. It really doesn't matter.
    And lastly I would like to go swimming in a big bowl of noodles.

  7. Live in a different country every year.

  8. Run an 11:00 flat 5000m

  9. I would have to say whatever comes to mind, but I already kind of do that because I believe you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. But if you want some crazy answer I would say...Honestly i dont even know what to say so nevermind.

  10. Everything! I would want to do so much have a HUGE amount of different types of flutes, learn how to play a whole bunch of instruments, travel, play for the Portland Pilots, ext.. And to Mr. Humphrey, you want to live forever?!

  11. fly, i have always wanted to just soar like an eagle. it just seems so relaxing

  12. I would put an end to genocide forever. And help end all war crimes and crimes against humanity. :)

  13. Mall hide and seek already answered it before

  14. have all super powers combined including immortallity

    if not possible be a billionre tomorrow

  15. I dont know. I might wanna go to Astoria for a wek. Thatd be pretty cool.


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