Thursday, September 24, 2009


Whats your favorite genre? Who's your favorite band/artist? Why do you like it? And favorite song? Jonah likes everything that everyone else does because.... he's a conformist.


  1. I like that indie stuff. I've been into the arcade fire most lately.

    I feel bad for Jonah because he probably won't be able to respond to this.

  2. Absolutely anything. I like pandora alot, because I love to find new music.

  3. hmmmm well i dont have one specific genre im into i like alot of death metal, heavy metal, and screamo. but i also enjoy alot of reggae and ska. and alot of things in between.

  4. I don't really have one genre i listen to because I kind of listen to everything. But I do have to say my all time favorite band is The Beatles, i like them becausse their music is different and it doesnt have the average sound. I also like it because they were against war and they were against the government. My favorite song is a tie between lucy in the sky with diamonds and give peace a chance they both have great lyrics and a great sound.

  5. Music is the rythm in which we move, and every one is different because everyone moves to a different beat. I like different kinds of music depending on the mood im in (except for pop, thats just a waist of perfectly good ipod space) so i like almost anything

  6. um... i mostly like alternative rock,rock, a tiny bit of metal, grunge, dance, strait up alternative, and some pop depending on the artist. right now im really into family force 5, children 18:3, flyleaf, and a couple others.

  7. I like good music. I like singing. I don't like country -- not a fan of twang. Those are the bounds of my music preference.

    Favorite band? Either Metallica or Tool, though I'm also a huge fan of the Mighty Mighty Boss-Tones and Alice in Chains and Living Colour. Favorite artist is probably Chris Cornell, of Soundgarden and Audioslave, though there are many others I admire, including three of the four Beatles (You can keep Ringo Starr) and Elvis (Must give props to the King) and Ray Charles and Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. And Bach.

  8. I listen to a wide variety of music. On some days I really like old jazz standards from the 30's and stuff like that but the next day I might be wanting to listen to something heavy and new like adagio or linkin park. I really listen to almost anything EXCEPT rap, techno, and the Beatles.

  9. Right now, I really like Young by Hollywood Undead.

  10. I love music. That's it. No, not true. I don't like rap, I H-A-T-E country (except Taylor) and I'm not a huge fan of rock. Unless it's soft rock. I'm not sure exactly what genre I like the best. I'll list my favorite artists and write about them.
    Imogen Heap: Definitely one of my favorite artists of all time. I love dancing to her music. She's just amazing, one of the best songwriters ever. She's a musical genius.
    A Fine Frenzy: I love her music because it's kind of melancholy at times, but then it's light and happy. And I love her hair.
    Oren Lavie: If you've never heard him before, Oren Lavie has this really deep, husky voice. I'm not sure that everyone would like him. He takes a little while to get used to. But my favorite song by him (so far) is The Opposite Side of the Sea.
    Regina Spektor: She's genius. You've probably heard The Call at the end of Prince Caspian. Well, I'm in love with that song and the sound of her voice.
    Redcast: Redcast rocks because they're local AND good! Their music is peppy and catchy. It's also kind of reminiscent of old groups (especially the Monkees). And they came out with a new EP this week. So check them out!
    You may have noticed that 3 out of the 5 artists I listed have been on the Narnia soundtracks. Well I love Narnia. So there!

  11. Relient K!! They just came out with a new c.d., and I like the song "Part of It"

  12. I like mostly alternative music, my favorite bands would probably be either nirvanna or pearl jam

  13. Hmmm I like alternative music because... Well I don't know I just like the theme of it. I listen to pandora a lot because it provides a bunch of different bands and songs that I've never heard but may like.

  14. British rock and alternative

  15. I don't have a favorite genre or band. I don't really listen to one certain thing enough to have a favorite for either. My favorite songs are Wonderful and Learning how to smile.

  16. if you were to take a look at my ipod you would see a band in every genre and artists popular to obscure, i like pretty much anything except for country, i can't stand that stuff

  17. Country, The Beatles and Thunder by Boys Like Girls. And Yes I am aware that these are all contradictions of each other. But I'm kind of a living contradiction. A blonde with a brain, an american who doesn't like fast food... You get the picture? lol

  18. Everything but country because country is satanistic muwahahahahaha!

  19. alternative and techno


  20. I like hard rock. Right now my fav song is Young by Hollywood Undead. Its good.


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