Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Sad Truth:

To be honest, I hate lying. I'm not very good at it, and when I do it makes me feel bad. But lying is in our culture, its everywhere. The Media especially. So what are we supposed to do when we get dumped into a society that revolves around stories that sway from the truth? We adapt...we lie. We lie about small things and large things. Everyone lies, because thats the society we were all born into. We lie without knowing it, but most of the time those are little harmless lies. But what about the huge lies? Those are the ones that start trouble. "Did you hear what she said about her?" And there you go. A lie in itself is such a simple thing. It's not the truth. But theres so much more than that. Lies have a way of growing, of changing. So how do WE change? Because at the rate things are going, how do you EVER know the truth? Everyone lies all the time, some people are so good at it you can never tell. So, in a world lie today, how do we trust anyone? How do we KNOW anything? We don't. We just know what we think. And that can be influenced by lies. So the sad truth is that, while we may think we know who our true friends are, we may be wrong. Because no one can tell these days. Who are the liers? Are you?


  1. Wow, I love the thought at the begining about being dumped into a world full of lies. It's so true!

  2. Want to know how we change that? Change ourselves. Don't lie, tell the truth. The world will follow, eventually -- how fast depends on how honest we can be, and how well we can be honest.

    I am impressed by your intelligence, all the more so because I have anti-cheerleader prejudices -- which were encouraged by the fact that you and your fellow cheerpersons can sometimes overwhelm the class discussion with your private conversations. But your insights, and your writing, are quite remarkable, so good for you -- but talk more to the class, please, about those insights, and less to Sheylinn and Nichole. I appreciate it. And I apologize for stereotyping you.


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