Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lies over truth

I think that most of the time, blunt honesty is most effective. The direct truth is easier than creating a falsehood, and if any emotions get hurt in the process, then it's best to have them hurt early.

That being said, it can be hard to give the blunt truth when you know it'll hurt someone you love. So when you lie for the sake of somebody else, you're often protecting yourself. The satisfaction of keeping them happy is great, but you've got to be straight with them. If you don't let them know the truth, somebody else will. And then they're hurt not only by the situation, but by the fact your decieved them.


  1. I agree entirely that people generally lie to protect themselves. I know I do. On the other hand: it does become very easy to lie to those you love when the lie is mutually accepted over the truth; those circumstances where everyone knows what the real facts are, but nobody talks about it, like someone being an alcoholic, or really stinky or something. I'm not saying it's good, but it can be very, very easy.

  2. It's true then people start to doudt what your saying is true and then the trust can be broken slightly. It's also very hard if you make up some elaborate lie and end up not being able to handle it and it comes back to bite you where it hurts, it woul probably be alot better to tell the truth sooner and get it over with. Also I have a hard time lieing because I fell guilty or I get anxious about what the consequences will be so I end up just telling some one lol oh well

  3. it would definitely be better to be blunt about it then to lie. when you lie they will most likely just figure out later and be more hurt and like others have already said lying could just lead people quit believing you


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