Thursday, September 24, 2009

Most embarrasing thing??

Sooo... What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you, and why was it embarrassing to you? I mean like to me, talking in front of the whole class is really embarrassing, and I always forget my train of thought and blush really deeply lol. The most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me, though, would be....... telling my whole elementary school who I liked and having everyone laugh at me and make fun of me lol. X.x I'm a vurrryyyy shy person :(


  1. I, myself am not easily embarrased. I just kind of figure that people will laugh at anything they can, and there is not reason to be embarrased about it. I mean hey, we are all human right? BUT i really hate when no one laughs at my jokes. Like those moments when everyone just kind of looks at you weird and you can hear the crickets in the background? Yeah, those. I HATE that. Then i just feel really stupid and everyone thinks i have a really bad sense of humor, which i dont. One of those things that always happens to me the first time i meet a person. :/

  2. There's too many to count. If you know may, you'll be able to nod your head in agreement.

  3. Kimberly: when other people don't get your jokes, it's their fault, not yours. You're still funny. Remember that -- it has saved my ego for the last ten years of teaching.

    I don't get embarrassed easily these days, because the occasional stupid move just emphasizes how smart I actually am -- contrast highlights, it doesn't conceal. Plus, I don't really mind when my students think I'm a dork or a loser. But my most embarrassing experience was when my third grade teacher told my entire class about a personal problem I had. Which I'm not going to tell you about, because it was personal, and embarrassing. The most embarrassing thing I did was spend a choir trip making out with a girl on the bus (We drove from Boston to Philadelphia for a concert), which made the ENTIRE choir uncomfortable for many hours.

  4. I have too many very embarrassing moments to could. Being clumsy and having the horrible reaction to start bawling when I was embarrassed or angry or when people didn't understand what I meant as a young child made for some very embarrassing moments.

  5. I don't really recall any embarrassing moments. I am, after all, perfect.

  6. well you see sometimes I say stuff really loud and then people give me the "what the hell" look that's embarrassing. Or I'll be talking and all of a sudden the whole room gets quiet and I'm still talking...yeah.

  7. I really can't remember a specific time. I get really embarrassed, but then I don't remember it later. So that's my answer.

  8. Mmm... I can't think of one right now. Ask me about a specific memory, and I will get it, but I can't think of one when asked on the spot.

  9. Maybe when I get blaked but I dont think anyone in this class accept maybe will and austin know what getting blaked is

  10. i can't remember... i probably blocked it out from my mind it was so horrible!

  11. I don't know what the most embarrassin was for me. I am so used to being clumsy and stuff happening that I don't really care if I get embarrassed. I have a couple, but they aren't exactly ones that I would want to post on the internet for the world to read.

  12. There has been way too many to count!

  13. i can't think of one thing that stands out, but when i get proven wrong it just bugs me.

  14. I think the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me, happened today. I was at the dance studio, and I realized that one of the ladies who was in the interview committee for the job I applied for was my neighbor, and I just figured that out almost two weeks after I did the interview....

  15. I misspelled No in the first day of kindergarden it's stupid but I hate myself for it =P

  16. um this progress report

  17. My most embarrassing moment was when I was in third grade, and my teacher asked us where we were most comfortable, and I was trying to e funny, but I said on the toilet, and the whole class never let me forget. EVN THOUGH I WAS JOKING!!!


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