Wednesday, September 30, 2009

the truth about truths and lies

allrighty lets start with the basics.
telling the truth is good, lying is bad.
its easier to lie in order to get out of stuff but you will most likely be a happier person if you tell the truth
People are going to lie to you.... possibly a lot, you're going to have to get over it, a lot of people in this world are douche bags
its bad...........
trust me............
if you do..........
prinnys(evil little penguin with chainsaws and bombs).......
will hunt you down..............
and kill you.

Patrick Henry is a big liar
that's why he hasn't been at school lately............
hes dead

have a good day
smiles and shit,Jonah


  1. I figured he killed himself, he said he would do it.

  2. Pat's ghost is posting on the blog!

  3. And this post would make you a liar, Jonah, wouldn't it? Because you knew Pat wasn't dead. Or is it not a lie when you are kidding? See, I think it is, because not everyone recognizes when someone is joking -- that's come back on me sometimes. Just a week or two ago, I wrote a note to a student, chewing him out sarcastically (as I will do to you at the end of this comment, so hold on for an example) and the student was honestly worried that I was actually angry with him. He apologized sincerely for something that never needed an apology, which meant I had to apologize, too. It wasn't a big problem, as we managed to clear it up and it may actually help our relationship over time -- I like knowing that my students can be sincerely remorseful when I point out they have done wrong, though I hate that my students generally change their behavior only when I get mad -- but the young man spent at least some time worrying about this, about my anger and his own degree of trouble, unnecessarily. Which was my fault, and something I shouldn't have done to him.

    Oh, and what the hell is the matter with you? Why would you put cursing into this post for such an obviously empty gesture? What, are you trying to be rebellious? Badass? Because you know the word "shit?" Or becuase you call people "douche bags?" Do you realize how obnoxious that term is? How overused, and basically offensive? By using it as an insult, you are implying that girls are dirty and bad and wrong, because the materials used for feminine hygiene are equated to bad people. How would you like it if I insulted people by comparing them to you? Frigging children, I swear. Find a better metaphor. I like the evil penguins, by the way.

  4. i think it's easier to lie because there are infinite possibility's, but only one truth


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