Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ok, so i'm not really sure what exactly to write but I think I have a rough idea so my question.

What was the best advice you got from someone, who gave you the advice, and why do you think that it has impacted your life so strongly?


  1. The best advice I received was "Ignorance is bliss". The advice was given to me by Mr. Pieper on a number of occasions. I think the reason it has been so impactful is because of the number of times I was reminded of the advice. But the reason it is the best advice I received is because of the amount of truth that is placed in it. I didn't quite believe it at the time but looking back I realize how true it is. I've learned about things and realized that there was no real reason for me to have to know, or experience it, and I know that I'd be a happier person if that information hadn't been bestowed on me.

  2. I think that my best piece of advice is more of a question, but it's true. "How could I be afraid to speak the truth?" I think that it's so true! Why should we be afraid to tell people what we really think? Don't we all wisht that we had the power to read minds?

  3. Best piece of advice. Well it has to be the quote "everything happens for a reason"
    That saying gets me through so much. I guess you could basically say its my lifejacket when im falling off the ship of confusion. No matter what it is that quote saves me. Whether its family issues, or the fact that the guy im with couldnt treat me right if his life depended on it, it solves it. All i have to remember is its in gods hands, and he has the plan for my life. Its not my job to write my story, its already been written. My job is to let fate take the wheel. Even if i think im doing something for myself, im doing it because thats what my book says.

  4. To me, the most important piece of advice I've gotten has to be "Survival of the fittest". I tend to get so annoyed at people who are either being disrespectful or just don't care. I care. I can't stand it when people don't even try at things. If everyone tried and did their best at everything they did we wouldn't even need this piece of advice! But, sadly we do need this and it reminds me that the people in this world who try and care about what they do now will do better in the long run.

  5. the best advice i have ever gotten is do what you want now, don't look back ten years from now and say," Oh i wish i would of done that instead." Do what makes you happy in the moment and live with it in the future.

  6. The best advice I have gotten is what little I know of Buddhist philosophy, which I studied briefly in college and then learned more about from my wife, who is a Buddhist.

    Buddhists believe that one must live a life of moderation in all things. Bad habits, good habits, labor, pleasure -- all of these things are fine and good in and of themselves; they only become harmful when we pursue them to excess. It is just as bad to spend all of one's life working, as it is to spend all of one's life goofing off. Moderation is the key.

    I also learned that all of life can be good, that no time ever need be wasted, but all time can be wasted. I can kick and scream and fight against the fact that I have to work to earn money, and that sometimes my job is annoying or boring or repetitive or what have you (and I do all those things frequently -- hey, I'm not perfect. "I often give myself very good advice, but I very rarely follow it."), but when I do that, it just makes me more miserable and makes the time harder. All time is precious, all life experience is valuable: time spent working no less than time spent sleeping. All of your time should be spent observing and learning, thinking and dreaming, being in the moment and preparing for the future. Your attitude is what keeps time from being wasted, not your activity.

    Probably doesn't make much sense, but there it is.

    Oh: and the most practical bit of knowledge I ever got was when my dad told me that there are three qualities you can get when you hire someone to do a job (and, I have learned, when you buy anything at all). They are: fast, cheap, and good -- and you can only have two of them. If it's good and cheap, it isn't fast; if it's fast and good, it isn't cheap; and if it's fast and cheap, it isn't good. Take dinner: good and cheap would be a nice homecooked meal, but that isn't fast; fast and good would be a fine restaurant, which isn't cheap; and fast and cheap would be McDonald's -- which isn't good.

  7. I'm sorry, Kelsey, but you just contradicted yourself. You said: don't look back and wish you had done something else, and then you said live in the moment and don't worry about the future. I really haven't gotten any mind-blowing advice.

  8. The best advice I have ever gotten was "be who you are, love your self and always remember that what you think of yourself is who and what you really are." I dont remember who told me that. I think it has because I really do try to be myself and not worry so much about what others say about me cuse in the words of Mr. Humphrey "screw em'" it doesn't really matter what they think just what I think about myself.

  9. Stay away from boys. Ha. It's helped me. Right now I don't think I'm mature enough to deal with the stress a relationship brings. It's probably way better for my sanity to just not have to worry about all that. And there's more important things to worry about right now, like school. What's the likeliness that I'll end up being with someone from St. Helens anyway? Not likely. I'm gonna marry some amazing college boy. That's right.

  10. I don't know crappy answer but true.

  11. Michael once told me KISS, Keep It Simple, Stupid! Best advice I've ever had, hurts my feelings every time.
    -From The Office

  12. My grandpa telling me to get good grades, although i don't really follow it very well

  13. just to try my best and family comes before everything else which i strongly believe in. atleast on my dads side of the family.

  14. "You're never going to please anyone". I don't remember who said it, or if I'm just making it up. But I believe it, and it's a nice soundbite.

  15. "it happens" i like it because you can apply it to just about any situation and it usually works out in the end

  16. Stop living and start LIVING.

  17. be yourself fu i add the fu part but good stuff really

  18. I was at a tennis camp and I was working on a serve, and this guy showed me how to do it, and it realllllly helped. That was pretty dang good advice from him, if I may say so myself.

  19. the most important advice ive ever received is "don't stop believing" by a band called journey


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