Friday, September 25, 2009


wow this to me a wale to figure out. ok so qweshtions qweshtions hmm. worst memory ever?


  1. two day ago when i ran over a cat

  2. When my parents got mad at me for some big thing.

  3. My first day of school ever in 6th grade. I was homeschooled up until that point. It was awful.

  4. Just now when I found out Jack ran over a cat.

  5. The morning my mom had a stroke. It was 3 am and her whispering to my dad to call an ambulance woke me up somehow. That is sill beyond me.

  6. How could you!!!!!!! That poor kitty! Well I hope you got a hole in your tire Jack!
    I have alot of bad memories but I'm not going to post them because I don't need to tell people that much about me. So I'll say mine was breaking my leg twice because the pain was excruciating.

  7. When Austin and Haven were at my house and Austin "accidentally" punched Haven in the face.

  8. when i watched paranormal activity... never again... wow sam you even spelled question wrong! thats as bad as my spelling!!

  9. The day i found out my mom had cancer

  10. Um I don't know and I wouldn't really want to post it on here anyway.

  11. nothing really, ive had bad memorys sure, but none that i would call the worst

  12. My speech for my digital video editing competition for FBLA at the state level. It was the first and only time I've ever gotten nervous for a speech and managed to ruin it. That is not a memory I like to linger on...

  13. Nothing so monumental I would call the worst

  14. my sister lef her door open and i walked don the hall to talk to her

    enough said

  15. When my parents got mad at me for some big thing. (I could elaborate, but I choose not to. (*cough* Tiffany.))


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