Sunday, September 27, 2009

Topic #2: What a Tangled Web We Weave

. . . when first we practice to deceive.

This week's topic: truth and lies, honesty and deception.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether it is better to tell the truth, or to lie. If it depends, on what does it depend? When you have to decide whether to be honest or deceptive, what factors do you consider? When is it better to tell the truth, and when is it better to lie? Why do you recommend/prefer that action at those times?

Is it best to tell the entire truth, or to leave some parts out? If you leave parts out, is that dishonest? Outright lying?

Is honesty really a better thing than deception? If it is not, why does our culture teach that it is? For that matter, does our culture truly teach that it is?

Do you consider yourself to be completely honest? If you don't, can you share something you have lied or would lie about -- a generic or invented example, if not an actual one?

One post from everybody by Saturday, October 3, please.


  1. Interesting question...i think it really depends on the circumstance i think you should try to tell the truth as much as you can, but i also think that if the truth will compromise somebodies way of living or make them question themself to the point of doubting themselves, then a lie would surely suffice, or maybe part of the truth as said in the second paragraph. You shouldnt do something that will make for drastic consequences that you might want to rescind later on.

    Now for the honesty being a better thing then deception, i think that honesty is the better of the two. Our culture use to teach that it is but as of now, i do not truly think that our culture teaches honesty of deception very well at all, for many reason, for example our culture teaches us that we should exercise and remain fit, then it turns around and coerces us into eating fast food. Our own Government is dishonest to us, the very thing thats suppose to protect us and guide us.

    Now for whether or not i consider myself to be a completely honest person. Infact i do not consider myself to be a completely honest person or anyone else to be completely honest either. I and anyother person has probably told countless lies in their lifetime. Infact i lied subconsciously last night, i told my parents that i was going to bed, and i laid down but i didn't fall asleep for a few hours after that. It was not an intentional lie, but it was still a lie.

  2. Excellent post -- in future make it a post all of its own, rather than a comment on mine, so that other people can respond more easily.

    I like the fast food example especially. The government, too, which lies about more things than any of us know. Not the moon landing, though. That's real.


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