Monday, September 28, 2009

Lying about the truth or the truth about lying??

I think that telling the truth is very important, but sometimes a little lie might not be so bad. Like if its something so small it wont matter, and the truth would hurt the person anyway. I think where the most important times to be honest always are, in relationships, either friendships, love relationships or even family. It's important to be honest with them because it's unhealthy and hard to have a good relationship if its not built on honesty.

I think one problem with the truth is that by the time someone hears something it's been twisted around so many times that it might as well be a lie. Another thing is one of my friends once said, "It's not lying, I'm just not telling him what he doesn't need to know." I think it's better to be honest with someone even if what you did was wrong because when they find out on their own its worse.

I personally think I am an honest person, I've been told that I have a certain tone in my voice that gives it away when I am lying so most people can call my bluff, but I know some people that are such good liers.

The most common lies I know are when kids tell their parents they are doing one thing and actually doing something else, or when they are texting or talking to someone they say its someone else.

So pretty much I say sometimes the truth hurts, I think people just need to learn that.


  1. I agree. I have found that it works much better for me to tell the truth, because if someone asks me something he doesn't want to hear the answer to, and then I tell that person the answer he doesn't want to hear, sure enough he'll stop asking me the question, and then all of us are happier.

    The exception is this: I lie for my job. All the time. I lie to my students, I lie about my students. I am much, much too positive in my conversations with parents and administrators. Though I am entirely honest when the conversation turns serious. But too much of the time, I tell people what I think they want to hear, and what will help me avoid any conflict. It's one of the reasons I don't like my job: because I don't like the person I am when I do it, sometimes.

  2. I agree that in relationships is the time when it's most important to be entirely honest, since it's in relationships that the most trust is placed. When you have a relationship with someone romantic or platonic you want to know they are there for you and wouldn't keep anything from you, even if the truth hurts.

    Haha, family. Airplane bathrooms much?

  3. lol its true you cant lie at all you smile sometimes when you lie and then I know your just kidding, or you get that look on ur face that says "I'm a big lier pants!!"
    It's true you get it sometimes lol


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