Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It Goes On...

The most important truth I know is simply summarized in a quote by the famous poet, Robert Frost. He wisely stated that “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.” This truth is so important to me because it can keep one going through a hard time. In almost any hard situation the simple reminder that things won’t be the way they are forever can give one the strength to continue and be optimistic. And even at good times it can be a positive message, reminding one that life will continue, giving the chance for new happy events to occur.

My question is going to be “Who is the person who as influenced you the most in your life?” I choose this question because this summer I learned that there are more and better answers to questions like this other than “my mom” or “my brother” even if those are true. Just because you look up to someone, doesn’t mean that they are the person who influenced you the most. On the contrary someone who influenced you the most could be someone you absolutely detested and have been influenced to be completely opposite of them. This question though was truly influenced by a professor I had this summer who I’d be willing to bet would answer this question by saying Martin Luther King Jr. Some people who answer this question this way would answer it solely because they share views with him and admire his “I Have A Dream” speech. But the reason why her answer would lead me to ask this question is because of the reason her answer. Her reasoning would include that he was a father figure to her when at the age of fourteen she joined the civil rights movement and he took special interest in her because she always had to have her legal emancipation papers. She also probably would mention that he was the one who led her to major in philosophy and go into humanities work. Her reasoning inspired this question because it let me see that those who had great minds and were influential to many were also influential on a different, more personal level, a level that anyone can achieve. So when answering this question, include why they were so influential to you.


  1. A. wow that comment made me feel like I completely missunderstood the assignment.

    B. The person who affected me the most would defenintly be my dad, mainly just because he is everything I strive to be smart, funny, charismatic, and easy to relate to in a sort of son to father kind of way. I really hope that some of the traits he has will rub off on me but maybe I'm depending to much on influence from him and should do more for myself...

  2. Haha Grant, there is a very big chance that I'm the one who misunderstood the assignment since I have yet to see the assignment sheet due to being absent and am basing all I know on what my friends have told me... So I'm hoping that it at least works... And I'm not sure what comment you're referring to... :/

  3. wow kelsey... you like to write... alot!! it was very nice and inspirational though!

  4. Hrm.. that's a really good question. I think that the people that have influenced me most is..me. That's a really dumb answer, but we are our own worst critics, right? Idk.

  5. i didnt right this????????

  6. Oh and the person that has influenced me themost or i should say people are my mom who fought cancer for 3 years and unfortunately lost that battle, but she was the strongerst woman i knew. And the other person is my grandma she has a type of lukiemia not a life threatening type, and she watches four year old twin boys almost everyday, now if thats not an amazing woman i don't know what is

  7. Grant and Elisa: I don't think either one of you misunderstood the assignment -- it's pretty wide open, because I want people to leave short and easy comments, and long and intricate comments, as they like. Kudos to both of you.

    Tiffany: excellent answer, if a bit -- precious, maybe. Explain it more!

    My single greatest influence has been my wife, as I said below.

  8. I honestly never thought I'd be saying this but the person who has influenced my life most is my brother.

  9. You are the third person to ask this question... again, my parents.

  10. Don't make me do it!!!! why elisa? why!!!!!!! my parents definetley because they help me and one day I want to be as good a parent as they were so I can help my children to grow up and be happy successful people

  11. I don't know. My sisters, for reasons I stated on other postings. They definitely made me want to be like them and different from them at the same time. That's tricky.

  12. I know that you said that most people say their parents. But for me it really is my parents. For so many reasons some of the things they've done wrong and some they've done right.

  13. My oldest brother, he has taught me a lot.

  14. maybe my sister or maybe myself, im not really sure

  15. My sister. She's hlped me be less awkward.

  16. not person persons, my parents, and im with will #3

  17. definately my parental units

  18. Probably the people I hung out with as a kid and now. THey influence u , een if u dont notice it.


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