Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An interesting queistion

In my opinion, one of the most important questions I could ask someone would be "Why do you believe in the faith or religious beliefs that you hold closest to you?" I don't ask this to find out what religion someone is or whether they believe in something or not but rather to see their point of view. Personally, I am not religious at all. I do not attend church or believe in god. You can make or this what you want but it is what I believe, I'm not saying that it's not possible for what other people believe in to be true, this is just my OPINION. Please don't try to tell me I'm wrong or that I should believe something else.
So, my question really comes out to be multiple questions. What do you believe in and why? When did you start believing this? Why? What do you know that supports the way you feel? Can it be scientifically proven? If not, do you believe the science that says your beliefs are not true?


  1. I don't think that any religion, frankly, can be scientifically proven in all aspects. I know what I've been taught, and what I feel, and that's enough for me. I believe in God, always have. I have nothing against other peoples religions. But what I believe in makes sense to me, and I hate it when people make fun of it.

  2. I have my own beliefs on this too. I personally don't believe in organized religion, i think that religion is mostly personal because your connection with god or gods or whatever you have a connection with is yours and only yours, I used to have a stronger faith but it has faded with reality. So the point of mine is that i believe that reliogion is personal.

  3. I mainly believe in what I can physically see, or at least logically understand. It's just how I think in everyday life, and thus it applies to my religion.

  4. To me I think that Religion starts at home sweet home. How you were raised, the family you were born into. If you were born into a strictly religious family, of course you would be raised to believe in what you were taught. And if thats all you were ever around, then why on earth would you not take to heart what your family taught you. I suppose my point is, I think that people can gain alot of their religious beliefs through their childhood. How they were raised, and what they were raised to believe in. Personally, I wasnt raised in a religious house hold, And I've never been "taught" anything relgiously. And I'm not religious. Which goes back to my theory that people will be any religion they are taught at a young age. Do you agree?

  5. Rachael: I do agree, but I also think people reach a certain age or stage in life and begin to question what they have been taught; depending on the person, the strength of the teachings, the life and the world and everything else, some people have their childhood beliefs confirmed, and some have them refuted or changed.

    Olivia: you ask questions like I do -- one question becomes four or five. Ever thought of being an English teacher? ;)

    I believe in everything. I also believe in nothing. My belief in everything is the result of my own philosophizin' and logic, and some dreaming and wishing; my belief in nothing is the result of experience. I live my life not really worrying about it one way or the other.

    If it helps answer your question: faith cannot be scientifically proven, but scientific proof does not constitute or define truth. There are true things that cannot be proven or even understood by science, and the beginning of the universe is one of them. That void can be filled by pretty much anything with equal validity, including science and religion, and neither faith nor logic can disprove the other.

  6. I believe in God, and I believe that my relationship with God is a personal one. So I don't go to church, not because I don't believe, it's because I think it's boring, and I don't think in order to believe in God you have to go to church and have a cookie cutter belief in him.
    I believe in God because I like to think that there really is something out there that knows whats going on and whats going to happen next, something that has an idea or plan as to why we are even here....I hope that made sense....

  7. I believe in God. I believe we lived with him before we came to earth, and that he sent us here to learn and grow so we can become like him. When we die we'll go back to live with him and we'll be judged. I believe that we have to obey his commandments and repent in order to be with him again.
    Not everything people believe can be proved scientifically. But that's why you have faith. I have a great respect for other religions. I don't necessarily believe what others believe, but they should be allowed to believe whatever they want to.
    My beliefs are how they are now because my parents taught them to me from a very young age. I could choose to believe something else, but I don't. Personally, I hate science. I feel like scientists just want an excuse to prove to other people that religion is wrong. But what they're doing is wrong. If you belief something, then fine. Believe it. But don't force your beliefs onto other people. If they want to know about it, you should share. But telling them all the ways they're wrong is disrespectful and rude.

  8. Religion definantly starts at home when you're young. I personally do believe in God. I am of Christian faith and this did start when I was young. I don't think that religion can be proven scientifically because it deals with faith. Knowing God exsits.

  9. I believe in God, because my parents have took me to church since I was a baby. I don't think that it needs to be scientifically proven. What's wrong with believing in something?

  10. I beleive in evolution

  11. Mr. Humphrey: I have thought of being an English because of how I like to question people and I have a passion for reading a vast variety of writing but I really want to do something medical. Anatomy has always fascinated me. As a child I would go to work with my mom when she worked at a vet's office and the vet would let me watch surgeries and help her look at urine samples under the microscope to see what as wrong with an animal. Ever since she let me help with an autopsy on a chinchilla named Lucy I've wanted to be a doctor or a veterinarian.

  12. Everyone else: I did not mention the scientific outlook on religion and evolution to offend or try to prove someone wrong. I think people should believe what they want to believe and not let anyone tell you otherwise. I asked this to see what everyone had to say and to make you think. Personally I've never really known what I believe. Now that I've done some research I think I know what I believe but I'm still not sure and i hate it when people try to get me to go to church with them. Don't even think about it.

  13. why does everything come down to religion? what if i don't wan to tell you huh? ok im a christian so i believe in god and that started when i was a baby as well. i believe because most of the questions about life or any of that can be answered in the bible. you just have to look for it.

  14. I believe jesus is a cool guy.

  15. atheism
    the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason what so ever into self replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs

    makes perfect sense

    i am not saying that any religion is true or atheism is wrong.
    i just thought that was funny
    however i do believe in god. there is nothing to really explain my belief there is no religion directly tied to it. i just believe that there is a god

  16. atheist
    i once heard a great quote,
    "One man traveling around the whole world in one night(Santa Clause), you don't believe in him. But a guy who hears everyone whisper at the same time, i get that"
    to me, i just don't see there being a god

  17. I have come to believe that there is a supreme being, but I don't believe in any organized religion. I believe any relationship that is had with the supreme being is meant to be personal, not something that can be taught. And that's about as developed as my beliefs are.

  18. I beleive that In life everything is a giant lottery and no matter what you do your just stuck buying another ticket and hoping for the best

  19. I believe in evolution AND God which comes to.. I believe that God made evolution happen. I don't really believe in how churches teach things.. but that's just my opinion. So therefore, I don't go to church.

  20. I believe in God, because my parents have took me to church since I was a baby. I don't think that it needs to be scientifically proven. What's wrong with believing in something?


    suckit haven

  21. I believe in facts. Because they're true. Period.

  22. Tyger, you totally just copied and pasted what i said


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