Sunday, September 27, 2009

the tight rope of lying

Well there is a thin line between telling the truth and lying (its like .0000000000000000001) Sometimes its hard to tell because people bend the truth so that it may have a lot of truth but some lying mixed in, so would it be considered a whole lie or only a half truth? I guess telling a lie is only ok in certain situations, like if it doesn't effect someone else or hurt others feelings, but then again its hard to tell when it will and when it won't. Well I guess if someone was holding a gun to your head then it would be ok, unless they just kill you, then it was kinda a waste of breath. The other thing is other people could be just telling half the truth and leaving out all the rest, so would that be considered lying as well because the didn't tell the whole truth? So in my opinion it would probably be allot better if everyone could tell the truth most of the time, but the world isn't perfect and we are only humans after all, and I definitely know that I am only human as well, so the only thing I can really do is just try to be as honest as possible. As humans we walk a very tight rope between telling the truth and lying, and when we do walk on this acrobatic line we hope we don't fall in the process and break our necks.


  1. I was hoping that you'd answer these questions, not just ask more. But okay: if you know something to be true, and you say anything other than that -- including telling part of what you know but intentionally leaving part out -- then you are not telling the truth. It doesn't have to be a lie; my father is a nuclear physicist and when he explains things about physics, he doesn't say everything he knows -- dumbs it down about 10 orders of magnitude so I can follow it -- and that isn't lying. But if you tell your parents, "I went out with Jim Bob and Boris, and we went to a movie," but you leave out, "And then we left the movie, started three fires, did a drive by on those busters on the East side and took their stash and smoked it all up until we was muh'fuh'in crazy," yoe are lying.

    That being the case: do you still think people have to lie? Are they still better off lying?

  2. well heres the thing if something like that does happen, if being the big word, why would you want to tell the truth? I mean if people lie but there isnt a good reason for it then its pretty pointless yeah, but isn't it possible that you have no other option then to lie? Or maybe you should tell the whole truth cuse then somone could through your butt in jail, but thats not gonna happen because why would anyone do something like that and want to tell someone....unless the whole point of doing it was to go to jail or to die in the first place. Hypothetically speaking of course.

  3. I totally agree, I also think that as humans we always say we want to know the truth but sometimes deep down we would rather have a lie to make us happy and go on our way.

  4. Ya well it makes us feel better and makes us sleep at night thats the only reason we try to want the truth

  5. I think knowing the truth would be good, because it would allow you to become a better person. Or commit suicide.


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