Monday, September 21, 2009

The Single most important truth I know...

The single most important truth I know would have to be either that " remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all..." -Elie Wiesel or " live you must give your life away..." -Relient K. My first quote states that basically you can't go through life never voicing your opinions or standing up for someone against the things you know are morally wrong. So many people all through history have made that mistake. They underestimate the power of their words and freedoms and how they can use them to help others. Weither out of fear or ignorance or selfishness. Whatever their reason is it is unacceptable for people to stand by and watch as wrongs are being done. Wrongs they could have stopped or brough attention to. When humanity realizes the power that each of them holds to make our world a better place it will be the day that evil people will no longer rule over us and they will know that the violent acts and hatred they stand for will no longer be tolerated. My second quote means (at least as I interprut it as a altruist and future humanitarian) is that to really live you have to dedicate yourself to others and causes. Most people don't feel so strongly a need to help people nor do they usually connect with them or understand things as deeply as I seem to. So maybe the second quote applies more to me in general than to a broader audience. Then again that's what truths are. They are the things in life that seem to be themes for you and that mean something to you. They are what you live your life by and set your standards to. Not anyone elses. Though some people might have the same truths in common they will still mean different things in different ways to everyone. With that said, my question is what do you want your legacy to be?


  1. I just want people to remember me. Hopefull for the good stuff I've done, but if they can learn from my mistakes, that's ok.

  2. Sheylinn: nice post and excellent question, both. I wonder at your phrase "future humanitarian;" aren't you a humanitarian now? And if not, why not? As for the idea that truths are individual, I disagree; I think the importance we place on a certain truth may be individual, but for something to be truth, it cannot be true only for one. That kind of truth needs a different name. It's entirely possible to know a truth that other people haven't recognized, but if they cannot see the same truth, ever, then I don't think it can be considered truth. "Opinion" is too weak; maybe "understanding?" As in, It is my understanding that the universe is infinite . . .

  3. I want people to remember me for making a difference or teaching them something.

  4. On what Mr. H said, I think the universe is infinate, but I don't think planets are. The is a finite amount of mass, and so not everything will happen... anyway, I want my legacy to be of an absurdly rich person who got the most out of his extremely long life. And owned a Koeniggsegg CCXR. And was the supreme overlord of everything. :)

  5. I don't really mind if no one remembers me, but my dream is to have one of my pieces hang in an art gallery, and if someone buys it, for them to pass it every day and think of how beautiful it is. Thats how I want to be remembered.

  6. I hope people remember me as being original. And I also hope that I've been inspiring and charitable. I want to be the role model or hero for someone, because that would make me feel successful.

  7. I want to be remembered for making a change.

  8. I want to influence people's lives, in a good way.

  9. This might sound kind of sad but I don't really want to be remembered

  10. I want everyone to remember me as the girl who made a difference between your day sucking and then turning good. I want to have that much power. That I could influence the lives of everyone around me. Making my little corner of the globe happy(:

  11. I want people to remember me as someone who has made a difference. And i want to be remembered as someone who was unique and different just because she was like that and wasn't trying to do it because everyone wanted to be "different".

  12. With luck, it'll be my writing.

  13. No idear. I probably wont be here for it anyways

  14. My Legacy? I'd say, I wouldn't want to be known at all. I'd want people speculating on every little bit of me, maybe Tony was an adventuerer, a drug dealer, who knows.

  15. A legacy eh... i'd like to be known as someone who did something helping someone. im not quite sure what those things are but if i did, what fun would that be?

  16. I want my legacy to be as someone who didn't just help individuals but as someone who helped people as a whole. Improved the life quality of many, and helped others see the value in every human life.

  17. The kid who survived the zombie apocolypse that the Myans predicted... sorta X)

  18. a good one because im amazing


  20. At least zats vut I vill be remembered for. I will alzo have le Pikachu be my successor to ze throne of ze vurld. Not you, Matt Damon. (He vuz askin.)

  21. i want to just be rememberes as a good person


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