Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Lying is a very harmful thing. I have had a lot of people lie to me. This has made me very careful with who I tell things and who I trust. I don't appreciate being lied to and I thing only horrible people would do so to their 'friends'. I think that if someone trusts you enough to open up to you and tell you things you should be completely honest about what you say to them. Of course you should say it in a not harsh way but you should tell them the truth. People should never tell someone something just to make them feel better or to make them think something that is not true. I was very close friends with someone once until they started lying to me and telling me that things happened that really didn't.
Honesty can be hard. It takes courage to stand up to what you think and what you know is correct. Our society puts so much of an emphasis on being what and who everyone wants to be that you can never really know if you know someone. It's hard to tell the truth in a society so full of lies, but it's something we all should know how to do.


  1. How can you be so sure that they were lying?

  2. Because I just wrote a true statement on Abbie's post, I suddenly want to write the absolute truth on everyone's post. But I'm not sure I have something to say to every single one of you, which makes me want to back away from it. Mostly, I'm not sure that I have the right to tell everyone my full opinion of them, if I have one, and I know I don't know most of you well enough to do it. Maybe later on in the year.

    Truth is, though, I hate that rainbow thing you did with this post. Just pick a color, okay?

    And I agree that people shouldn't tell others what they want to hear. I think people only do that for selfish reasons anyway, I don't believe it is a friendly, loving, or generous thing to do.

  3. I think the rainbow is pretty. And a total waste of time...

  4. I don't think lying is such a bad thing, Maybe you can harness it For good and not just always be an evil thing

  5. i have to comment this just beacause the writing is so cool and colorful!


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