Monday, September 21, 2009

What I Have to Say...

What do I think is the most important truth? Hrm.. That's a good question. I think it's that there is truth. We just have to be brave enough to question, and not be afraid of what people think. One of my most favorite sayings is "How could I be afraid to speak the truth?"(Scribbler of Dreams, Mary Pearson) We have to not be afraid of the truth, of what it will do to our future. We have to want it. Just a few thoughts.

And my question? My favorite question is "Why?", but that won't work in this context, so what is the biggest thing that has influenced your life, and being born doesn't count!


  1. Pfft, Tiffany. Ur soo lame.

  2. Zip it. You're just jealous.

  3. Would you like some more waffles Joseph?

  4. Shey:We meet again.

    Ok on a more serious note, the biggest influence in my life has been... you know what I thought about your question for a long time. I suppose the best thing I can say is all the negative things in my life and around me. I experience and feel them and I decide to turn them around and purposefully be the opposite of them. I make it my mission to not be that way or not do that because I want to be something better. I want to rise above it.

  5. Lol, Edgar Allan Poeeeee. Purple skittles!!We're such dorks!
    But yeah, that's so true.

  6. Biggest influence in my life is my wife. She has inspired me, motivated me, poked and prodded me, encouraged me, advised me, and basically done everything possible to help me succeed in whatever manner I can do that.

    The biggest influence that others might be able to relate to is probably Stephen King. He is the author I admire, and wish to emulate, and envy with a black, black rage, more than any other. Stupid multi-millionaire with his neverending stream of good books. I hates him, I does. Not really. Only a little

  7. Sure, there have been people who influenced me but I dunno... I guess it might be a few of my science teachers who have shaped who I want to be, a doctor, and influenced my passion for science but that could always lead back to when my mom worked a veterinarian's office for 6 years and I'd go to work with her and was always fascinated by everything that went on there.

  8. I'd say the most important influence is my parents. They taught me to get good grades and of course their genes influenced me a lot.

  9. Spanish for why? is por que? just to let you know......I dont know probably my parents cuse they really did teach me alot and they always give me good advice and they love me more than anyone else in the world!

  10. Well... my friends have definitely influenced me a ton. But the BIGGEST influence would have to be my older sisters Heather and Heidi because they set all the examples, like being valedictorian of their class, blah blah blah. And now I feel like I have to live up to that example and/or be better. Actually it's more of an "I know that it's possible to do the things they've done" sort of feeling. But at the same time their example has influenced me to go my own way. Which means quitting band because I just didn't like it, taking French, and ballet!

  11. Probably the thing that has influenced me the most is my family. They have shaped who I am, ecspeacially my mom.

  12. My family and friends have been the biggest influence in my life, for sure.

  13. will laurences family and friends have been the biggest influence in my life, for sure.

  14. way to spell my name wrong haven

  15. The way my parents raised me has had the biggest impact on my perpective on life, and therefore what i believe to be true. along with whats right and wrong and all of that.

  16. I know this always comes up a lot for me and I don't always like putting it on here but, my mom's death has influenced me a lot because it showed me to take one day at a time and tell the people that you love that you love them before it is too late. Also it didn't have the most normal beginning teen years so it sets me apart from other people. And I feel it has made me more mature. I have seen the real world and what happens probably younger then I should of but hey its life what are you gonna do?

  17. My biggest influence would have to be my boyfriend (uh oh im sounding corny again) because he always pushes me to do things i dont want to do (stuff like working out, GEESH), and helps me in every way possible. He also taught me that even when I think know one could possibly love me, there'll always be someone =) (wheee)

  18. Single moment, or person? For moment, I'll probobly pick the first day of school. It's when I realised I was good at it.

    For person, I'll pick my sister. She's done a lot to help me break out of my awkward little shell.

  19. Being born does pretty much count for me, I was born with a misarranged lower torso/pelvic region, they had to redo everything. All in all, I have a slight disability in moving my legs as the muscle is out of place, and my legs go in a pivoting motion instead of a back and forth type of thing. I get made fun of and called out on it, and that's a pretty big thing for me. Certainly gets a man thinkin'.

  20. my parents by far, without them i would be nowhare

  21. I think in recent history the thing that has most directly affected me was my experience at summer school. There is just nothing to compare to that. There was such a sense of responsibility and it made me work harder than I ever had for anything before in my life.

  22. My brother, He drove me insane over the years and also at the same time made me more resiliant constant annoyance which has led me to make friends with more people... I think.

  23. will lawrences and jacks ugh i mean havens family and friends have been the biggest influence in my life, for sure.

  24. Going off of what m. h said, I guess Id have to say my biggest influence is my wife too.


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