Sunday, September 20, 2009

You're so Philosophical ;]

What exactly is reality?
         People would argue it's what is currently happening to you, the keyboard, the computer screen, these words, me, you, talking to someone on the phone, rain, which most of you probably thought of a memory right away. Are memories considered reality? They already happened to you, keyword: happened. When you think of a memory, is the actual memory reality? Or is it you thinking of the memory reality? And what about dreams.. who says dreams aren't reality? We all have had dreams that seem so real and when we were dreaming it, we thought it was reality. Maybe we never really "stepped out" of the dream and we are still currently dreaming and dreaming is the real reality.

    I am asking this question because I am really curious to see what people have to say, and I wanted to ask a philosophical question haha. I think this question will get a lot of interesting answers and such. Well, I would hope so :]

Soo my contribution to the questionare:


  1. I think that I'm going to have to agree with you, that reality is what is currently happening to you. It doesn't matter if it's a dream, or what, it's what's happening at that moment. Good question!

  2. hmmm...interesting thoughts so like we could be asleep and be dreaming thinking that we are awake when really we are still our dreams we think we are having could actually be us when we are awake or we could be dreaming within another dream....yeah lol think about that...

  3. I guess I'd have to say that reality is what happens for a reason and ACTUALLY happens. Some things can happen in certain ways depending on how the person thinks about it. Reality is what happens and affects people in general.

  4. Um, I'm just gonna assume that I'm not dreaming. I think reality is evrything that is physical. Yay conformists...

  5. Gosh, pick a hard one... kidding. :) Hmm, I think reality is the things that are happening around you. The things that other people can also potentially see. It's like in the moment. For instance, what you are thinking isn't reality because nobody else knows that you're thinking it. But if you said it out loud then the fact that you said it would be reality. It doesn't mean that the actual think you said is reality though. Unless it is. Now I'm just contradicting myself.

  6. Thats a good question. A hard question. I would say that reality is what going on in your surroundings not your head. Because with mental disorders people can think people are there when they aren't or there are people talking to them when they aren't. I think reality is what's physically around you. Dreaming a bear is chasing you, not real. Sleepwalking, real.

  7. The realization that you are not in a fairy tale, and not everything goes right for you.

  8. I don't know if there is a reality for all we know we could be in the matrix right now.

  9. Reality, to me, is what my mind can believe. Anything that I don't think is real, isn't in my reality. I guess it'd be different for everyone.

  10. Reality I suppose would be anything in your mind that you consider a fact.

  11. i think all of it is reality. if it physically or mentally happened then it's reality

  12. I think that memories are reality because they were reality at one point but when they become the past they are the past and so they aren't really reality anymore. And dreams aren't always reality they may seem like it or they may happen but sometimes they won't. Dreams that you have while you are sleeping are your conscience showing you what you want or what you fear so it's your own reality but its not reality in itself.

  13. I think that anything that has happened to you, not just physically, is reality. I don't think dreams are reality, because they're not really... real... i mean yeah they're real, but its your subconcious.

  14. It's what we personally rationally observe about the world around us.

  15. re⋅al⋅i⋅ty  [ree-al-i-tee]
    –noun, plural -ties for 3, 5–7.
    1. the state or quality of being real.
    2. resemblance to what is real.
    3. a real thing or fact.
    4. real things, facts, or events taken as a whole; state of affairs: the reality of the business world; vacationing to escape reality.

  16. i think that if it's happening to you right now, whether a dream or not, its reality

  17. Reality I think is a relative term depending on the person. So I think reality for an individual is something one can consciencely remember.

  18. The snese of knowing something and being able to defend and debate it.

  19. wel im not really sure about that one it would take too long to explain so i say real life

  20. Im just going out on a whim here, but I tink Id have to say that reality is stuff thats REAL... just guessing though.


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