Tuesday, September 22, 2009


What is the most impactful thing that has ever happened in your life, if there isn't one specific one, why don't you think you haven't had one yet


  1. The thing that has had the most impact on my life is my mom passing away. Not only that but her going through her sickness and that sort of stuff opened my eyes to a lot of things.

  2. The most impactful thing that happened in my life was going to summer school at Princeton this summer. The reason it was so impactful is because I had to learn not to be dependent on anyone for help but instead be self sufficient.

  3. Hrm. I don't think that it was one thing, I think it was alot of little things that sort of added up to big things. Can we really base our past on one event? Or is a culmination of many events?

  4. The biggest event in my life was moving across the country and then back again. It taught me that you wont always have people to take care of you. That you have to be able to look inside yourself and be okay with what you find.

  5. I'ma go with when I learned that "impactful" isn't a word.

    Just kidding.

    Mine is either meeting my wife, or moving across the country to go to college. Since the latter led to the former, I'll pick the move. I moved 3,000 miles away from everything I knew, left all of my friends behind, and found both a new world and a new me -- one that could pay attention in school, and study, and do well, and be proud of himself. One who felt like he could actually accomplish something and be worthwhile, instead of some party-happy punk. I like this me so much more, I can't even tell you.

  6. I don't think I really had one because I haven't experienced very much yet.

  7. yeah, I've led a pretty boring life... not that I'm complaining, none of my parents have died or got divorced, and I've never moved.

  8. Noting happens to me senior....I don't really have one...well I broke my leg twice so I had to stop playing soccer so that is probably the biggest so far in my life...and hopefully that will be the worst for a long time

  9. Huh. I dunno. Maybe like when I finally became really good friends with my sister Heidi. She gives me good advice and shares all her wise-older sister knowledge. And she listens to me. So that has such a big impact on me because I can always feel like there's someone there for me. It's comforting.

  10. My siblings going off to college. That has had a big impact on my life.

  11. Maybe when my parents divorced i'm not sure though

  12. i hate these kinds of questions because i never know what to say. probably the night my mom got my dad thrown in jail but i won't go into detail about that. after that day i stared wearing black and i chopped all of my hair off. it use to be pass my butt!

  13. First day of school. I found out I was el smart.

  14. Moving to st helens from portland

  15. I really haven't done too much.

  16. Probably when i went to school for the first time i mean without that i wouldn't even be talking to you guys

  17. Because I try to avoid potentionally hazardous situation by hiding behind lies and words =D

  18. This might be cliche for a high school girl to say but probably dating my ex.. It taught me a lot about relationships, religion, and who I really am.

  19. i dont know why i havent yet im so alone.....

  20. Like literally? Probably when I fell on my face when I hit a pothole on my bike. That was definitely ... impactful. (bad pun, I know.)


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