Monday, September 21, 2009

well lets see...

What is the single most important truth you know?

The very single most important truth I know....hmmmm...I know that if you keep your feet planted firmly on the ground, your heart open, and your mind clear it's allot easier to think and have fun because that's what really counts in life. I mean if nobody enjoyed life then it would be just a waste of time, so enjoy it, cut loose and just have a ball!! So the single most important thing I know is that life is already serious enough, sometimes it's good just to laugh for a while. So start laughing.


  1. ooooohhhhhh...... thats deep amy.... real deep....


    Thanks. I needed that.

    Good advice, Amy. I agree. Though I also think that people should take some things more seriously.

  3. No problem, and yes I agree in certain situations people really should be more serious, but people also have to learn to laugh at themselves sometimes or else people think they may have something stuck up their posterior

  4. The color you wrote in is like WAY hurting my eyes!! Haha!

  5. I think the most important truth I know, is to take nothing on faith. I only trust what I see, or at very least what I understand.


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