Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Q's and A's

the most important truth, thats a hard one hmmm. I might have to go with the single fact that the sun will rise tomarrow. That means a new day, a new start, hey even a new life. it gives you the freedom to do what you want with your life, every single day.

As for the question, What are some other online blogs that you like to read.


  1. Anyone I know, and this one cartoonists blog that's hilarious.

  2. www.coffeesaint.blogspot.com

    There's a list of links there.

  3. I've never read another blog before. Me n' Olivia.

  4. ........I don't have any besides this one and I don't read any other ones....sorry

  5. I read fashion blogs such as the Glamorai and The Style Rookie. The Style Rookie (aka Tavi) is hilarious because she's this thirteen year old who's very fashion-obsessed. I just crack up while reading it.

  6. I don't follow any other blogs.

  7. Yeah, I don't follow any other blogs either.

  8. I dont blog accept for this

  9. This would be the only one i read, i have never really read or done blogs before

  10. I have an odd hobby of reading junk food blogs. This is why you're fat, The Impulsive Buy, and a few others on occasion. I'm facinated by the new junk food that can be dreamed up in this society.

  11. i think all you guys who don't fallow anything else should reach out there, there is a wealth of information just waiting for you!

  12. I don't really read blogs. lol. I don't have the time to spend doing so very often. lol

  13. This is the only and first one I have acutally paid attention to In my mind technology is overrated and overused if you want to rant about something or debate about something join a club and get the hell of ur ass and go outside or something stop sitting in the dark typing on the computer or do it like me by getting ahead in drafting and do it then =PP

  14. I don't really blog a lot :/

  15. does not compute.
    < error >
    < error >

  16. Blogs are the most retarded thing ever. I mean, Ive never even been on a blog, or read one, I mean, who needs blogs. I would never post on a blog even if my grade depended on it. Jeez guys. (Oh wait...)


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