Monday, September 21, 2009


Well, that obviously is a non-working question to ask. My question though ( :P ) is if you were holding a party for 28 average american men, how many extar crispy chicken wings would you need to order from KFC? Think on it... this is important (ownzed Tiffany).


  1. Are we talking in buckets or what, I'm thinking maybe four or five buckets of wings would work. Don't want them all actin' like gluttons, yeah? I mean, if you give them each their own bucket of wings, they're going to eat the whole bucket and we don't want the party being slowed down over some stuffed dudes.

    But that's just my opinion.

  2. Well, this is an easy answer. 42!

  3. This depends on whether you have other entrees along with the chicken. If you have other things maybe you could plan on everyone eating one or two. I'd say get about 42 then half the people could have two and the other half could have one :)

  4. Tiffany and Olivia: 42 is always a correct answer. Well done.

    FALISH: How ridiculous. What are the chances that 28 average American men are all vegetarian? After all: vegetables are what food eats.

    Coleson: Two problems with your question that might make it unanswerable as stated. First, what is the "average" American man? Are you giving us a size estimate, or some hint about preferences? Or both? Second, why would anyone order anything from KFC? Are you trying to kill all of your guests by feeding them dirt, plastic, and grease disguised as food? Why not cut to the chase and just hit them all in the stomach with a bat as they walk in? That way they won't be able to eat anything, and in the end, they'll be healthier for it.

  5. Anyway, I'd have to go with everybody else and say 42. The answer to life, the universe, and everything...

  6. guess what?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?! my answer isn't 42....I know that makes it atomatically wrong, but considering the fact that the average american man is now considered a fatty I would have to say that there should be 58 and one man is missing cuse he got eaten by the guy next to him......that was for a zombie friend of mine.......

  7. Tiffany, have you seen Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Haha!!! I think you should let them starve. Because they are, after all, average American men who should be providing for themselves. And if they aren't, then that's their problem. So don't give them any chicken.

  8. I don't know how many I'd order. It depends what you consider average and what else you order with the chicken.

  9. This question is irrelevant to me, because I would never have 28 average American men at my house.

  10. Id buy them salad and give them a lecture about why they shouldnt all need 709,539,071 slices of pizza. For sure. (:

  11. I'm just gonna be random and throw out a number, here it goes... drum roll... 69? i really dont know?

  12. Depends on where in the counry you are.
    New Yorkers would kick your face in for not getting "authentic" wings. Californians would eat only a few, constantly bragging about how they can handle it since thye went to the gym today.
    Wisconsin? You'll need to rent out a mobile bathtub just to hold the ranch dressing, to put it in persepctive. Texans would also kick your face in, but that's because you assumed they were going to eat chicken - puniest of meats, only behind fish.

  13. I wouldn't order KFC because I'm not a hick.

  14. don't lie ryan everyone in this town is...
    as for the question i think i would order 28 because who doesn't want their own bucket, it would feel weird if i had to share :/

  15. None, they'll probably be watching too much football and drinking too much beer to notice the absence of the chicken. Since we're talking about men here... lol

  16. None there all on wieght watchers except for the vergtarian who is currently in the conrner munching on a celery stick =P

  17. 42 .... It's the answer to life, the universe, and everything :p

  18. Actually guys, 4 all of you who are wondering, 671 is the corret answer. Sorry tyger, so close. But no cigar.


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