Friday, September 25, 2009

Did we really land on the moon?

Did we?? I mean why haven't we gone back since? What's that all about? I think it was all a setup so we could show Russia we are dominant. I think it was all done in a studio. What do you have to say about that Mr. Humphrey?


  1. Explain this then-

    We've seen - from space - the leftover junk. Unless we decided to just launch fake moon lander equipment up there to cover it up, I think this is pretty conclusive.

    Also, the MythBusters said we did.

  2. I think it was a hoax. Not to be a conspiricist crackpot or anything, but it just doesn't seem like there was a massive amount of evidence that we really went anywhere outside of some props and pictures. I'll believe it when I physically witness it.

    Also, MythBusters are not the gods of facts?

  3. Well, what exactly on the Moon is so interesting? Space dust. Wahooo. Why would we spend all our time and money up there looking for micro organisms when we've got better things to world peace, getting rid of pollution...which arn't getting done very well may I add.

  4. Here ya go, Chuckles.

    Check out the list of links at the bottom, too.

    When you get right down to it, my answer to this, as to all conspiracy theories, is: the government just isn't smart enough or capable enough to pull off something this large and this public. Conspiracies rely on secrecy, and something like this -- or Roswell and Area 51 -- require too many people to be involved, too much coordination, too much everything. It would never work.

  5. Of course we did. Prove that we didn't.

  6. Look, we spent billions of dollars on SOMETHING. It sure as hell wasn't a studio in Arizona.

  7. Yes we went to the moon. But on the bright side my dad agrees with you. I think ur both crazy, but oh well. what can you do? theres always got to be people who question things or else the human race would still think the world was flat and that women belong in the kitchen, so more power to ya but don't be an ass about it k?

  8. yep we landed there all right. there is evidence and why would you want to beat russia anyway? whats the point? we did it just because we are show offs is all it is.

  9. I think so. Why not? if there are conspiracy's then it gives us a reason to blame our government, and if there isn't, then that's another thing for people to complain about.

  10. I'm not a big space person so I am going to say I don't care on this one cause there are more important things to worry about than if we landed on the moon or not.

  11. I've been there so yes

  12. Ya we did land on the moon, in fact we left crap behind.

  13. oh really you want to bring that up, come on
    we did go and like Nicole said left a bunch of crap behind. why would we fake it all and launch a bunch of stuff up there, and we have moon rocks, how do you explain that crazy people?

  14. I agree entirely with Mr. Humphrey. It would take too much work to come up with the story and then set everything up. Oh, and area 51 is a cover up for area 52, didn't you know? lol

  15. Yup I have the copies I made for Nasa that they aired right in my memories chest XD

  16. Obviously we landed, because to actually create a hoax this big scale and keep it covered sooo long would just be impossible. plus they hav telescopes strong enough to ACTUALLY SEE THE FOOTPRINTS ON THE MOON from Earth. So say thats fake.


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