Thursday, September 24, 2009

So, about this truth thing

The most important truth I've ever known was quite possibly that I'm amazingly limited in my abilities. Like, I obviously don't currently have the brainpower to make a space station that shoots lasers and has it's own hydroponics system. And I'm certainly not fit enough to take a football team to some state champion hippity hoopla that'll bring some old coach a trophy and teardrop. I'm pretty sure my mathematical skills aren't going to bring my C++ dream any closer to reality, and I'm more than positive my ability to wash dishes is surpassed by teens everywhere.

What I can do though, is think, write, draw, learn, and express myself. While those may not be worthy skills of becoming some high payed lawyer or a moneybags Dr. Grossman, I'm sure with some effort I'll get there. Just need time, yeah?

So I ask this, in return, what would you say is your biggest downfall? What are you NOT proud of?


  1. All the mistakes that I've made, of course. But we're given weaknesses to become stronger, right?

  2. Geez, nice question, NBT. (And that's a great pirate name, too, by the way)

    I am not proud of my relationship with my family. I don't see or talk to my parents often enough, and my older brother and I are estranged. I have a set of cousins that I haven't seen or spoken to in decades, except for one lunch with one cousin -- which was arranged by my brother while we were still talking. My dad calls me every Sunday, and sometimes I avoid the call, though sometimes I also reach out to him. I get along great with my wife's parents, except for the one she's estranged from and never speaks to, but still: I don't make enough of an effort to be close to my family.

  3. I am not proud of some of the things I've done. I can be a rather harsh person at times and almost wish I could fix some things or erase others.

  4. I don't always put very much effort into things. Like pouring my heart and soul into this blog.

  5. My geatest downfall is that when I talk to people I can't always think of exactly what I want to say, so I either say something really dumb, or I say something really rude. Cuse I'm skilled like that.

  6. There's a lot of things. Right now I really wish I could have taken ballet from when I was three years old. Or at least that I hadn't been scared of my tap teacher and quit. Then I'd at least have the dance experience. I really love ballet. But I'm not going to get very far because I haven't been taking it all my life. And that upsets me. It's my dream and it'll never come to true to the extent I want it to.

  7. My seventh grade school year. I turned into a tool bag lol.

  8. Go to and look up haven mcalpine cross country softmore season and you will understand

  9. probably lying to my mom about walking home. don't tell her or you will never see me again and you would have been the one that i would blame for killing me!!! i just know karma is going to bite me in the butt for that one

  10. What am I not pround of? I am probably not proud of some of the stupid fights i have gotten in with my dad's girlfriend. I hated her when they started dating. An di hated her through my middle school years because i didnt like her trying to be my mom, one day i told her, "Don't tell me what to do, your not my mom." That was probably one of the worst things i could say to someone.

  11. I graffitied a bathroom in 3rd grade because I thought I was "cool"

  12. A downfall that I have is that I don't try to get to know people and seperate myself from others.

  13. not telling people enough about myself

  14. I think what I'm the least proud of is often how I really feel about thing. I do my best to do the right thing, to say the right thing, but often it isn't what I really feel, or believe. So I guess I'm not proud of who I really am, so I cover that with who I want to be.

  15. Im not proud of myself. Ive done some bad things (not recently, but over time). So yeah. I just know I can do better.


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