Monday, May 31, 2010

Never gonna give up

I think that there are definitely times when you should give up. I mean, if at first you don't succeed, try a couple more times, but know when you need to give up. I think that you should give up and walk away if you get in an arguement with a stubborn person, or someone who just has stupid arguements, and you find yourself thinking, "Why am I trying to argue this when this idiot just keeps saying "Why?"?" For instance, I know someone who says that apple trees aren't grown from seeds, they're grown by grafting two existing trees together. No matter how much common sense and logic I use, they still won't believe that apple trees grow from seeds. I say yeah, you can graft them, but they naturally grow from seeds. As far as giving up and not giving up, i think usually a person knows when to give up as long as they are right in the head. Also, when it comees to something very close to someone, they won't give up as easily. As for NOT giving up, I think people sometimes have a harder time with this. Like school, for instance. There are lots of kids who just give up in school and accept F's, and don't give a crap if they have to take Integrated Math 1 and Future Focus for the rest of their highschool career. I know I've slowly been getting lazier in my highschool career, but that's just because Everything from the eigth grade and below was never a challenge, and now that classes are actually hard, I need to not give up on some things, but it's just so hard sometimes, so I can understand why some kids might give up. But I don't do it in such an important way, I guess. i go "Meh, a B will be fine with me", but other kids just don't know how failing highschool will affect their lives.

GIving Up

It's hard to say when you should give up. I don't think you should give up say if you have cancer and you can fight for more time to live. If you were running for president though and you had no chance of winning, it's probably just a waste of you money and time to keep trying. I know some of these are ridiculous scenarios, but if you're kidnapped you shouldn't give up trying to escape. Fight it out. Maybe you'll succeed.

Sometimes, like when you're in an argument with somebody, maybe you should just give up and be the bigger person. It's not worth it to argue with some people. Especially when they're too stubborn to give up themselves. They may call you out for backing down, but in reality it's you being the bigger person. It's not always weakness to give up. But sometimes you just need to fight it out and never stop trying.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Giving Up - Will C.

Obviously, you shouldn't give up if you have a likely chance of succeeding or the stakes are very high. However, say you had like 20 projects due the next day and you have to build a shed for your new alpacas so they don't die of exposure... no, just kidding. If somebody's life depends on it and you can do something, then you should stop at nothing to save them. Unless it puts your life at high risk. And it has to be someone specific, not just like, Oh, people in Africa are starving, you could fly over with McDonalds and save all their lives. And I guess stop at nothing is a little too definate for what I'm trying to say. Not if it puts anybody's life in danger, I should have said. For little things, sure you can give up if there's nothing to be gained, like Cole replaying the same level on Trials 500 billion times. Then you should give up. Other than that, it really just depends on the situation.

Sometimes giving up is good

Giving up does not always mean someone is quiting. I give up when I can see no outcome that is better, or meaning if I can do nothing more to help or make things better I stoptrying to fix it. I do not quit on something if I know I can fix it or make it better. But I always remember that before I canchange something or help someone, my problems must be dealt with first. I cannot help or do things if I'm having a problem. So I do not give up on things unless it is a lost cause.

And have faith not everyone has given up on this just sometimes slips the mind and especially at the end of the year when all of us dream of summer days and stress about finals and grades.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

"All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling"-Blaise Pascal

In my opinion, as long as you care about something, then you shouldn't give up. I don't think that you should ever fully surrender. Like, if you think that apples don't grow from apple trees, and some other people think that they do, then you can drop the subject for the time, but as long as you think that it's true in your head, then you're not fully surrendering. I think that if you care about something enough to fight for it, then you won't really ever run out of energy, and if you don't care about it enough to fight to the death, then it's not worth it.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Catching up on all the blogs


I believe that everyone is responsible for themselves and their actions unless they are menatlly or physically incapable of having that "power" or choice, and needs other people to take responsibilty for them because they cant do so themselves. But with the situation of the man being stabbed and people just walking by, I have to use my american histroy nerdyness here and quote the declaration of independenc, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." What quote means is that those who have the ability to take action, have the responsibility to take action. Right there in our contry's most important document it says that and yet people just walk by and do nothing about it.


I am more of an old fashion but some technology i am okay with, like with the white board and infocus machine i liek those becuase the writing and papers are easier to read without my glasses that a chalkboard or overhead. Typing vs. writing, i would have to say writing, being a writer I like the sound of pen on paper, i feel like i can have more emotion when i am writing and you can take a pen and paper anywhere with you and still work on your writing. I don't always choose higher technology, with photography i love using film cameras and developing and printing my own pictures, the quality of a phot is way better, than an instant picture camera.

#15-No retreat, No surrender

I don't think you should ever give up when you are fighting for something that you really believe strongly in or love with all your heart. If it is a stupid argument and the other person is being stupid and you know you can't convince them i would say dont waste your breath just walk away. I also feel that if it is a life or death situation, depending on what you are fighting for most likely its not worth dying for. Lastly i think that holding on to things that frustrate you or make you made wastes energy because a lot of those grudges don't mean anything and the person most liely doesnt know your mad at them so you are wasting yourself on a pointless thing, its usually best to let it go and move on.

Who Gives up anymore?

I think you should give up once you start destroying everything else besides what you are trying to conquer. Like if you are trying to get revenge on someone but you don't want to do it yourself so you try to get trick someone else to do it but it ends up backfiring that is when you just give up. No it is not true that you should never back down, unless it is at the point where you just don't care anymore and you're just trying to screw everyone up you know how it is like at the end of a long board game or something when you just don't care anymore but besides that case you should give up when it is taking up way more resources and energy than it should or if it is getting a lot worse with no end in sight or if it is slowly killing you. One example is one time I twisted my ankle while running but I thought if I just toughed through it it would get better, it turned into a stress fracture and ruined my spring break because I was on crutches so I couldn't do anything but stay home.

But like my title says who gives up anymore? I know I don't, I usually keep going until I've screwed myself over. But that is just me how 'bout you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Dark Lady

Ugh, stupid technology. My computer crashed with my essay, so excuse it for being late.

During Shakespeares life, he created 37 plays that were credited to him, and about 154 sonnets. The first 130 were written to a man, and 24 were written to a mystery woman, whom researchers have dubbed the "Dark Lady"

During Shakespeares time, being white, thin, and having pale hair was the epitome of beauty. But during his poems, he describes her as having dark hair, dark skin, and dark eyes, as well as being permiscuous. No one knows who she is, but there have been a few women who have been suggested: Mary Fitton, Emilia Lanier(Bassano), Luce Morgan, Marie Mountjoy and Shakespeare's landlady.

The most likely candidate is Emilia Bassano. Recently, a miniature has been found of her, and she looks like most like what Shakespeare described in his poems,

"In the old age black was not counted fair,

Or if it were, it bore not beauty's name;

But now is black beauty's successive heir,

And beauty slandered with a bastard shame:

For since eacn hand hath put on nature's power,

Fairing the foul the art's false borrow'd face,

Sweet beauty hath no name, no hloy bower,

But is profaned if if not lives in disgrace,

Therefore my mistress' eyes are raven black,

Her eyes so suited, and the mourners seem

At such who, not born fair, no beauty lack,

Slandering creation with a false esteem:

Yet so they mourn, becoming of their woe,

That every tongue says beauty should look so"

Emilia Bassano had many affairs in court while she was there, and finally married to Alfonso Lanier, which was thought to be an unhappy marriage. She was described as having black hair, and her cousins were said to have had black skin.

No one knows who this dark beauty was, but it's obvious that she had Shakespeare wrapped around his little finger.
Works cited:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I don't think that you should always keep fighting. Sometimes it just not worth it, it doesn't matter to you. I think you should only fight when it is about something that is important to you. Why fight about something you don't care about? Why just fight to fight? Eventually people will just stop listening when you fight because they will just think its nothing. Whether you fight about a popsicle or someones life.

Biography of William Shakespeare--Rachael.

Shakespeare was born in April of 1564. According to records, he was baptized shortly after birth. He was born in the village of Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire. He came from a well off family, with parents that were known around the community. His Mother, Mary Arden, came from a family of landed gentry. His father came from a family of yeomen. He studied Latin and Greek and a local school as a young boy. John Shakespeare most likely took his to plays when they came into town, which was not often. This however, was the first exposure William had to the art of Theater.

When he was 18, he married a woman by the name of Anne Hathaway in 1582. She was 26. Their marriage certificate was issued on November 27th, 1582. Anne came from a respected family, and her father worked hard as a farmer. They had their first child, Susanna, in May of 1583. Susanna was followed two years later by twins, Judith and Hamnet. Their birth was in January of 1585. During most of this time, Shakespeare was in London, and was away from his family quite a bit. A written reference from another playwright shows that Shakespeare was established in the theater systems in London, during his late twenties. This playwright wrote with a hint of jealousy at Shakespeare’s success.

Shakespeare quickly rose in the theater as both an actor and a writer. He had two patrons, the Earls of South Hampton and Pembrooke. Since he was so successful, he was able to purchase New Place, which was the most extravagant home in his home town. By this time, he was in his thirties. Soon after that he became the joint owner of the famous Globe Theater, when it opened in 1599. This addition to his wealth sky rocketed his way of living. He was able to retire soon after their agreement of his ownership, and he returned to Stratford in 1610. His death took place on April 23rd, 1616. This happens to be the date of his birthday, but records cannot prove this as a fact.

During the course of his lifetime, He wrote almost 200 Sonnets ,and a total of 37 plays, which included: Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Timon of Athens, Titus Andronicus, Troilus and Cressida, All’s Well That Ends Well, As You Like It, Comedy of Errors, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Measure for Measure, Merchant of Venice, Merry Wives of Windsor, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Much Ado about Nothing, Taming of the Shrew, Tempest, Twelfth Night, Two Gentlemen in Verona, Winter’s Tale, Cymbeline Henry IV Part I, Henry IV Part II, Henry V, Henry VI Part I, Henry VI Part II, Henry VI Part III, Henry VIII, King John, Pericles, Richard II, and Richard III.

Topic #6: Cliques

I do not fall under any "clique." I am, for the most part, anti-social. People annoy me I can't help it. Almost everyone annoys me. I guess I could be put under the stereotype of being the quite kid, which is pretty accurate. I guess I could also be put under the category "nerd," since i read alot of books. Sterotypes don't really have a positive or negative affect on me at all. I just don't care what people think of me. I myself, tend to put people under the stereotype of "annoying," but i try not to judge people past that.

Topic #7: Spring is Sprung

My favorite part of spring is the smell of rain after it rains. What tells me that spring has arrived, would have to be when it starts getting really rainy, and slightly warmer then winter. My favorite season really depends on if, and how much, it snows in the winter. I absolutely love the snow, it covers everything and it makes the world look beautiful. If it doesn't snow alot in the winter, then my favorite season would be summer because I love swimming when its warm out.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Globe Theatre

William Shakespeare and his troupe performed at the Globe Theatre, a playhouse located near London during Elizabethan times.

The original Globe Theatre was built in 1576 by James Burbage. For twenty years the company called the King’s Men performed there. Later they were called the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. In 1597 problems arose concerning the lease on the land where the Globe was situated. The next year the company demolished the playhouse and moved the timbers across the Thames River in Southwark. It was reconstructed there.

The playhouse could hold as many as 3000 people. Groundlings could pay a penny to stand in the yard and watch a play. The wealthier people sat in the balconies and galleries. All performances were held during the day because there wasn’t lighting on the stage.

For fourteen years the Globe Theatre was a successful playhouse. In 1613 the Globe caught fire during a performance of Henry VIII. A cannon was shot as a part of the show, but it ignited the roof and the whole building burned to the ground. After this, the playhouse was rebuilt “with a tiled roof (Shakespeare’s Globe)” and remained in business for many years. In 1642 the Puritans closed the theater. It was then torn down to make tenements. The foundation of the Globe was rediscovered in 1989. Today a reconstructed playhouse exists in its original location. This theater strives to be “as faithful… as possible to the Elizabethan model (Shakespeare Resource Center).”

The Globe Theatre has an eventful background, but it was an important part of history. Even today it is a place to view the great works of William Shakespeare.

“Shakespeare’s Globe.” Shakespeare Resource Center. 25 May 2010. .

“The First Globe.” Shakespeare’s Globe. 25 May 2010. .

“Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.” eNotes. 25 May 2010. .

Michael J. Cummings. “The Globe Theatre.” Cummings Study Guides. 25 May 2010. .

!42! Topic #15: No Retreat, No Surrender.

When should you give up?
Is it really true that you should never surrender, never back down, always keep fighting?
Or does it make more sense to let something go, and try to conserve some effort/energy/resources of whatever kind, for the next fight?
What are the gradations, or the categories and criteria? What sorts of things should you surrender on quickly, if anything, and what are the sorts of things you should never surrender?

Answers (If you haven't given up on this blog entirely, that is) by next Tuesday, June 1.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Topic #14- Mr. Shakespeare- Will L

Who were Shakespeare's influences? This is what I chose to do my topic on.

In the 1500s, the rulers of England had a huge influence on the people who lived there, seeing as how they had control on what family deserved what. The church was also a big influence, but those were all controlled by the rulers of England as well. Shakespeare was born and raised catholic, and was even married in a Catholic church.

It turns out that one of Shakespeare's greatest influences was his father, John. John Shakespeare was the town mayor and glove maker- which was more prestigious than it sounds now. His father gave William the best chance to apprentice in glove-making, but William chose not to.

Another one of Shakespeare's influences was his family. Shakespeare figured out that he had to provide for his family, so he left to go work for the theater, and they are largely responsible for Shakespeare being a successful play write.

"Shakespeare was a legendary English writer. He was raised in a high-class family who seemed to have a plan for him, but he did not follow this plan. The many influences around him such as His parents, and his wife and children, seemed to keep his life changing constantly. Also the rapid change of rulers, and religions, may have been a crucial reason for some of his inspirations, and finest literary works."

Roberts, Dan "Shakespeare's Influences"
Writinghood. March 4th, 2008


I think technology is good and bad
good: advances, things to do, quick, helps the world.

bad: destroys the world, kids sit and dont get excersize.

Whas there a connection between Shakespeare and his plays?

I really couldn’t think of a topic to research so I just asked my mom and this is something she always wanted to know about Shakespeare is if Shakespeare’s life was connected to his plays. As far as I could tell the only connection between Shakespeare and his plays is that he has had many people die in his life and a majority of his plays were tragedies. Shakespeare wrote some comedies and histories, but a majority of his plays were tragedies which I think was because he has had a lot of people in his life die around him like his son Hamnet and three of his siblings.

Shakespeare’s son Hamnet had contracted the bubonic plague and died when he was eleven years old. Not much was known about Hamnet but I only can imagine that this death contributed to Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare’s had two siblings that had died also by the bubonic plague. Joan and Margaret were supposed to be Shakespeare’s older sisters, but they had both died, so it was almost like he was the first child to his parents.

Shakespeare was familiar with death in his life and that is why I think he put so much death in his plays. There is a thing called the Shakespearean tragedy where everyone or almost everyone dies in the end which I think is linked to the death that seemed to linger around his life.

Pressley, J.M. "Shakespeare's Biography". Shakespeare Resource Center. <>

"William Shakespeare His Children & Grandchildren". William Shakespeare info.

whatcha talkin bout willis.

Did you know William Shakespeare died on his birthday, April 23. Or that in his will he left he left his wife his "second best" bed, and thats all.(3)
William Shakespeare was known for writing plays, or writing sonnets. Most people don't know alot of other things about him. Like there was never a portrait painted of him, while he was alive. (2) Or simply that he married a woman eight years older than him. I found some of the wierdest, most unusual facts about William that I could find.
W.I.L.L.I.A.M S.H.A.K.E.S.P.E.A.R.E. Is this how you spell William Shakespeare? There's more than eighty spelling variations that are recorded for his name, from Shappere to Shaxberd.(4) Personally I only spell my name one way, and I only sign it the same spelling everytime. William never spelt his name the same, when he signed something it was always different. That would be SO hard to try to find him, once he changed his name over and over and over.
The average human knows around 12,000 to 20,000 words, Shakespeare wrote 31,534 words. 14,376 only appear once in his work.(5)
Who's the most popular, Elvis or William? Shakespeare merits 15 million pages on google, while Elvis comes in at a mere 2.7 million.(6)
Macbeth is said to be the most-produced play ever written. It is estimated that a performance is being staged somewhere in the world every four hours.(6) By that timing, you could get out of one performance, and get in line to watch another.
Do you believe in coincidence? Here's some wierd Shakespearian numbers for you. William Shakespeare was born on April 23rd, 1564. He died on April 23rd. His plays were first performed in 1588, when he was 23. The first Filio of Shakespeare's work was published in 1623.(1)
William Shakespeare has many things people don't know, or can't find out that easily, but there is always something that people might find funny, or wierd. William's secrets were kept pretty well, and these were the main facts I found that were interesting.

Missing blogposts

Topic #7
I like almost everything about spring. I don’t like the rain, but I do like the sun we begin to see finally. And I like flowers. I don’t like the bugs that begin to appear. They’re annoying. I also like knowing that school is almost out.
I don’t think I actually have a favorite season because each becomes my favorite while I’m in it. I always say that winter is my favorite though. I really like snow (if we get it, which we hardly ever do). So I guess I only really like the thought of winter. The real thing isn’t as great as I want it to be.
Topic #8
I’ll get back to the life-lacking (haha) part. I would have to say that my biggest obstacle in life is my lovely talent at procrastinating. I am in fact so good at procrastination that I haven’t written on the blog since before spring break. I tend to wait to do everything from homework to cleaning my room until I’m in complete desperation. This usually causes a lot of stress.
My life is lacking excitement. Honestly I’m so boring. I don’t do anything worth telling people when they ask me what I did over the weekend, etc. So I believe I should have some events in my life.
I lack athletic ability. I can’t run, I can’t play sports, I’m just incapable or something. Actually until December I had a ton of leg muscle from ballet, but then I had to quit. So now I’m back to being a wimp. Yay.
Topic #9
I seriously don’t think you can say whether men or women have it harder because we’re so different. Women have it tough, but men have tough things to deal with too. They’re not an exception to bad things. Throughout history women have been mistreated and discriminated against, but nowadays I almost feel like the guys are getting paid back.
For the most part, men are bigger and stronger. Also they have a bigger brain capacity. But they can use very little of their knowledge at one time. Women are typically not so strong and physically capable. Although we have less in our brains, we can use a lot of it at one time. I heard somewhere that women think more when they aren’t thinking about anything than men do when they’re really thinking hard. Isn’t that hilarious? But that doesn’t mean one’s better than the other.
It’s hard to say who would have an easier time on their own. Women need guys for emotion stability, but guys tend to be unable to take care of themselves. I’m sure the guys could learn, so I think women would have a harder time. Women act like they’re so self-sufficient and independent but I believe their emotional well-being would suffer if they didn’t have a guy to say “suck it up”. But that’s just my opinion.
Topic #10
We live in a world that’s constantly on the move. It’s difficult to notice things when we’re always going from one thing to the next. Sad? Yes. I believe there is mystery and wonder. There are so many beautiful things that happen everyday, but we don’t usually see them. We’re too busy to look for them, or we don’t care. Sometimes they’re right there, like in the video (I’d actually heard about it before but never watched it. Crazy right? I like to think I’d stop… but I don’t know.) but we don’t acknowledge or even recognize them. Maybe it’s time to slow down and search a little.
Topic #11
My favorites: What era would you rather live in and why? Write from your enemy’s point of view.
I would love to live in the 40’s, just a classy time period. But also I want to live in the 50’s. Poodle skirts? Heck yes! Then I think it would be cool to live during Jane Austen period (1800’s somewhere, not exactly sure) because everything was so formal and exciting. I’ve read a few Jane Austen books and watched all the movies, and I’ve just got one question. Is it just me or do they never do any work? All day they just write letters or call on friends or do embroidery or take walks, etc. It’s so weird. Maybe that’s not realistic. It just confuses me.
Topic #12
I honestly don’t believe that someone should not be considered responsible for their actions if they’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It was their choice to drink or use drugs in the first place. They have to realize that by doing so they’re accepting that they aren’t going to be thinking clearly and they’ll probably do bad things. It doesn’t make any sense to me why people do drugs, because it’s just gonna end up ruining their life, but it doesn’t make them any less responsible for the things they do. Drugs and alcohol might affect judgment but it’s their fault for using them in the first place.
I also don’t completely believe that minors aren’t responsible. Most of the time a teenager is going to know what they’re doing, unless they fall under another one of the categories. The younger the minor is, the less they are aware of whether things are right and wrong, but that’s something learned at a pretty early age.
Topic #13
Technology is one of those things that’s good a lot of the time, but has its downfalls. Sometimes when I’m taking notes in class or writing something up I wish I could just type it because it’s five billion times faster (not really). But technology is more susceptible to failure than boring old paper and pen. Well maybe not. Paper can be burned, or get water damage, etc. But technology gets viruses, things crash, if you don’t save something it’s gone… that’s real fun, especially when you just typed a huge long assignment and then you have to redo it. I do believe in technology overload. With all the phones, iPods, TVs and computers we’re plugged into all day I think we forget about reality. Like that there’s actually trees outside. Yeah, trees. But technology is useful too. Don’t get me wrong. Music is easy to access, information as well. It’s just easier now with the technology we have than it was just a few years ago. I remember the first time I got on the internet when we had a wireless connection. It was so weird. My mom was talking on the phone at the exact same time! It was like magic. Anyway, technology is nice, but sometimes it’s a good idea to go old-fashioned and read a book.

Topic #8: Sorely Lacking

What is missing from my life is companionship. What I, myself, lack is the ability to travel to a certain place in order to be with the girl I want to be with. The biggest obstacle I have to deal with is either time, or the fact that my family lives well below the poverty line. I think these are the biggest obstacles because, I don't have enough money to just take a vacation over there, and time is an obstacle because, I would have to wait at least another two years. ):

Topic #9: Sexism

First off, woman have it tougher, in regard that society today, is for the most part, male dominant. With that said, woman also make it tougher on themselves, what with their obsession over appearance and their need to achieve that image, whether it be through make-up or even cosmetic surgery. In regards to what men are better at then woman, I would have to say that men are better at physical work or just providing his family with the things they need. However, woman are capable of that, they are just not as good at doing it partly because of how society is sexist, but also because they are just not as capable at it. With that said, woman are better at nurture. They can provide emotional support to the kids, or even their partner, way better then a male can, which in itself, is very important. The reason for this is, males, in their childhood, detach from their mothers, emotionally, way sooner then they should, causing them to have problems when it comes to emotions. In the end however, males are more dependant on females, more than females are dependant on males, for example, males expect woman to do the small things for them, like laundry and dishes. I honestly think that woman would be worse off by themselves, not becase males are better than females, but because males, are, inherently, not as emotional as females, in the regard that females, would suffer with the lack of companionship more then a male would.

Topic #10: Hidden Wonder

I think that mystery, in itself, is not hidden from us per se, but rather, like the prompt says, is in plain sight and we just do not realize it. For example, nature, in itself, is a very big mystery, but we hardly even notice it. We take nature for granted and we don't even try to comprehend it, although nature can hardly be understood at all, however, nature is in plain sight, but we just look over it and even destroy it.

Topic #11: Is Silence Truly Golden?

I am going to take this promt as asking if communication necesary. I think that without communication we would not thrive as a functional society. The reason why we, as a species, have surived as well as we have, is largely due to, communication. Without it, we would not understand nearly as much as we do about the world and how it works, whether it be math, science, emotions, or any other aspect of life. With this said, communication does not always have to consist of words, it can also be through actions, but in a way, a lack of actions can be considered silence. One of my favorite songs, Schism by Tool, describes how a society without communications crumbles into pieces.

Topic 13

Technology can be a very good thing, however, technology can also be used in unproductive ways, for example, the cell phone. The cell phone can be used to keep in touch with friends who have moved or if you need a ride home but the person who was going to give you a ride couldn't. But with that said, a cell phone can be used in a destructive way. For example, when you see someone texting while their driving which can be dangerous, not to mention the person doing it has a total lack of common sense.

Topic #12: Responsibility

"*The person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol." That is the only exception to not being held responsible for ones own actions. I believe it was his or her choice to become influenced by said drugs or alcoholic beverages. If that could be a exception, I could see many people try to abuse it by saying, "I didn't mean to kill that guy, but I was drunk, so I shouldn't be held responsible for it."

Now on to the subject about a lack of action being taken, the example you gave is a good example of the bystander effect, which is basically when someone witnesses a crime and they don't report it until after its been committed, or maybe not at all. There are laws against not reporting a crime, so, in the legal eyes, yes the people who witness a crime and fail to report it, are at least partly responsible for the said crime.
Story Of Hamlet

The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, or Hamlet, is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Hamlet was written between 1599 and 1601, but the exact date is still unsure. Hamlet has 32,241 words and 3,924 lines, which makes it the longest known play to date.

In Act I, King Hamlet of Denmark, Hamlets dad, dies. King Claudius, who is the new king of Denmark, takes Gertrude, King Hamlets wife, as his own wife. In the first soliloquy, Hamlet explains that he doesn’t want his mom to marry King Claudius.

Hamlet meets the ghost of his father, and learns from him, and learns that he was poisoned by King Claudius. His fathers ghost tells Hamlet to avenge him but to not punish Gertrude for remarrying.

In the next act, Hamlet makes is speech about the greatness of man.. Hamlet plans to use a play to prove that King Claudius killed King Hamlet.

In act three, King Claudius decides to send Hamlet to England, because he no longer believes that Hamlet is only lovesick. The King and Polonius’ plan on eavesdropping on Hamlet’s conversation after Hamlet performs his play. Hamlet performs the play, mimicking his fathers ghosts description of how he died.

King Claudius, in a soliloquy, admits that he is afraid of Hamlet, and decides to send Hamlet to England, in order to protect himself, and realizes that he can not avoid divine justice from killing King Hamlet. Gertrude attempts to scold her son but instead, Hamlet scolds his mother for her actions, but then the ghost of his father appears and tells him to be gentle with Gertrude.

King Claudius speaks with Gertrude and she lies for her son telling King Claudius that Hamlet is as mad as a tempestuous sea, which causes King Claudius to become terrified of Hamlet, so he decides to send Hamlet to England immediately. King Claudius also asks Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to try to find out where Hamlet hid Polonius’ body.

Hamlet refuses to tell them, and is brought before King Claudius, then the two exchange words, and Hamlet tells King Claudius where Polonius’ body is. King Claudius tells Hamlet to go to England, supposedly for his own safety, and when he is gone, King Claudius reveals his plans to have Hamlet killed in England.

King Claudius meets with Laertes later and explains to him that Hamlet killed his father. King Claudius and Laertes plan Hamlets’ death to be a fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes. Laertes then learned of his sister Ophelias’ death by drowning.

At Ophelias’ burial, the priest tells everyone that Ophelia committed suicide, which angers Laertes. Hamlet and Laertes have a dispute over Laertes exaggerated sorrow and Hamlet expressing that he loved Ophelia even more then her brother did.

Hamlet explains to Horatio how he had Rosencrantz and Guildenstern killed, resulting in Hamlet avoiding his planned death. Later Hamlet arrives at the castle to fence Laertes and Gertrude drinks a poisoned drink that was meant for Hamlet, but before she dies, she tells everyone that she was poisoned.

In the third round, Hamlet is stabbed and poisoned, later in the fight, Hamlet and Laertes exchange swords and Hamlet stabs and poisons Laertes, who explains that the swords tip is poisoned.

Before he dies, Hamlet stabs and kills King Claudius with the poisoned sword killing him and tells Horatio to tell everyone his story and recommends that Young Fortinbras be the next King of Denmark.


“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Summary” May 23, 2010.

“Hamlet, the play by Shakespeare.” May 23, 2010.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Debate of Authorship

Due to the remarkable popularity of Shakespeare over such a length of time it is no surprise that there have been speculations made regarding the identity of the beloved playwright and poet. There is little information to base whether William Shakespeare truly wrote the many brilliant plays we recognize him. It seems unlikely than a man of his background could have written the pieces we now revel. And it is the lack of solid evidence on either side that makes the authorship of the plays an interesting one. There are many speculations but some of the more interesting ones are simply that William Shakespeare was a pseudonym.

Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford is a popularly suspected of having penned plays under the pseudonym of Shakespeare. And in a respect it makes sense, many occurrences in his life are close parallels to life inside the Shakespearean plays. And after all that makes sense as its real life experiences from which most people gather inspiration from for their creative pieces. He also had an extensive amount of school included that of Queen’s College in Cambridge and he continued to get legal training. The extent of his schooling makes it seem more likely that he could have written these great works in comparison to William Shakespeare who had very little schooling.

Christopher Marlow completely fulfills the romanticism of Shakespeare simply being a pseudonym to another author. Christopher Marlowe was a known Elizabethan poet and tragedian. He was also known for his use of the Blank Verse, a style of poetry where there is rhythm, but no rhyme, the same style that is used in Shakespeare’s plays. He was allegedly murdered, stabbed to death, in a pub by Ingram Frizer on May 30, ten days after an arrest warrant was issued for him. All accounts of his death lack detail and he was buried in an unmarked grave. Due to the murky details and the similarity in his writing style to Shakespeare some people have come to believe it was actually Christopher Marlow who penned the many plays we know to be by Shakespeare after faking his own death in order to escape the arrest.

While we may never know who truly penned the works of Shakespeare unless we find a journal left by someone who knew it is fun to fantasize about. And with something of this proportion the suggested theories are bound to be crazier than the truth. I’d like to be a true romantic and believe that the true playwright behind the amazing plays was Christopher Marlow, a man who was so passionate about his art that he staged his own death in order to continue pursuing it. Perhaps William Shakespeare was merely the man who physically stood behind it so it could be presented without Marlow having to worry that someone would recognize him. We’ll likely never know.

Pressley, J. M.. "The Authorship Debate". Shakespeare Resource Center. May 23, 2010 .

"Christopher Marlowe". Wikipedia. May 23, 2010 .

“Blank Verse”. Wikipedia. May 23, 2010 <>

"Shakespeare Authorship FAQ". Shakespear-Oxford Society. May 23, 2010 .

Goldstein, Gary. "The Life of Edward de Ver". Elizabethan Review. May 23, 2010 .

Shakespeare lost years
William Shakespeare life is believed to have begun on April 23, 1577, his mother being Mary Arden married to John Arden. William attended grammar school, and most likely studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and literature. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, a local farmer’s daughter eight years his elder. This is about the extent of what we in the modern world know about one of Man kind’s greatest play writes. There are several periods of his life were we can only speculate. Today, we call those periods, “Shakespeare’s Lost Years”.
The first part of Shakespeare’s “Lost Years” was set between the years 1578 – 1582, and this took place after Shakespeare left school, and before marrying Anne Hathaway. We know that the reason Shakespeare left school was to help financially struggling father. Other than that, most of this time is shrouded in mystery, but we can guess what he may have engaged in multiple jobs. It’s believed that Shakespeare was at some point a teacher, a soldier, or a law clerk. These are all feasible speculations because of the level of detail Shakespeare gives to his characters that held these occupations.
The second and final chapter to Shakespeare’s “Lost Years”, begins after his marriage to Anne Hathaway. After the year of 1582, Shakespeare disappears from history, only to recognize by his children’s baptisms, and by his plays.
Shakespeare’s life is one that will never be understood. Since he kept no journal, or diary, so we have absolutely no idea what his life was like. Today his life is a mystery, and I believe we will never know more than we already do.


Did you know that William Shakespeare wrote three plays in 1595? He wrote Richard II, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo and Juliet all within a year.
William Shakespeare was born April 23, 1564 is Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire to John Glover and Mary Aden. He is believed to be third of eight children, three of which died. William Shakespeare was baptized April 26, 1564 in the Holy Trinity Church. Due to his knowledge of Latin and Classic Greek it is believed that he went to free grammar school but known that he never continued to a university. Because he never went to a university there is speculation about whether or not he wrote all the plays he is believed to.
November 28, 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, their first daughter Susanna was born May 26, 1583. Then February 2, 1585 twins Judith and Hamnet were born. Hamnet died when he was 11, August 11, 1596 from the Black Plague.
Shakespeare wasn't around when his kids were young because he was out acting and writing in London. In 1588 he established himself in London as an actor and playwright. Shakespeare is believed to have written Henry VI, Part One between 1589 and 1590. Shortly after he started writing his collection of Sonnets, this grew to 154. Then in 1594 he joined Lord Chamberlain's Men as an actor, writer, and managing part of the company.
Shakespeare retired in 1610 and died six years later at the age of 52. He had written 37 plays which are still studied and performed all over the globe.

Shakespeare's Wife, Family and Will

In 1582, William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. Six months after their marriage their first daughter, Susanna, was born in May 1583. Two years later, in 1585, they had twins, Hamnet and Judith. Shakespeare spent most of his time away from his family working and did not have a very happy marriage with Anne.
Anne raised the children in their grandfather’s house because William was always away for work. “There are no known records that show that Hamnet Shakespeare ever attended a school although it was customary for a boy from Hamnet’s background to have had an education. Neither of Hamnet’s sisters had an education and neither of them were able to read or write.”(William Shakespeare, His Children & Grandchildren) None of Shakespeare’s children knew how to read or write, but Shakespeare is known for his writing.
In his will, Shakespeare left most of his fortune to his daughter Susanna. To Judith he left £300 (the modern equivalent of about $260) in her name, and to Anne he left only his second best bed. “Among the very few facts of his life that have been transmitted to us, there is none more clearly proved than the unhappiness of his marriage. The dates of the births of his children, compared with that of his removal from Stratford, the total omission of his wife's name in the first draft of his will, and the bitter sarcasm of the bequest by which he remembers her afterwards, all prove beyond a doubt both his separation from the lady early in life, and his unfriendly feeling towards her at the close of it. In endeavouring to argue against the conclusion naturally to be deduced from this will, Boswell, with a strange ignorance of human nature, remarks, 'If he had taken offence at any part of his wife's conduct, I cannot believe he would have taken this petty mode of expressing it.’" (Mabillard, Amanda) Either Shakespeare disliked his wife and second daughter, or he thought Susanna had more life ahead of her to use his fortune.
Susanna married Dr. John Hall when she was 24 years old. Hall lived in Stratford where Anne raised her children and had a prosperous medical practice, one of the towns leading citizens. They got married on June 5, 1607. This marriage made Shakespeare very happy, he even made John and Susanna executors of his will. They had a baby girl, Elizabeth, eight months after their wedding. Elizabeth married Thomas Nashe in 1629, had no kids, and was widowed after six years of marriage.
Judith was engaged to Thomas Quiney, a vintner and tavern owner. At first William and Anne approved of this because Thomas came from a good family, but when Thomas got another girl pregnant, they changed their minds. The scandal spread through Stratford. Quiney could not get the special license he needed to marry Judith but they did it anyways and were excommunicated. William immediately called upon his lawyer and changed his will to give Judith a sum of money in her name only. Richard and Judith had three children, Shakespeare, who died at six months, Richard, who died at 21 years old, and Thomas who died at 19 years old, all possibly of the bubonic plague.
Hamnet Shakespeare died at 11 years old of the bubonic plague.

William Shakespeare, His Children & Grandchildren, 22 May 2012. <>
Mabillard, Amanda. Shakespeare’s Last Will and Testament, Shakespeare Online. 21 May 2012 <>

Shakespeare Essay

Shakespeare’s Play Costumes

      Parts of the costumes were likely to be decorated with braid; embroidery, or puffing, or it might be encrusted with pearls, jewels, and spangles or trimmed with lace or artificial flowers. Men's clothing was gorgeous with color and ornamentation. The many parts of male attire contributed to the colorful effect of the outfit. Men wore hats even indoors. Feathers and jewels were normal ornaments. A small flat cap like a beret with a narrow brim continued to be worn by craftsman and many citizens of London. Masculine hair styles varied greatly. Sometimes the hair was cut closely at the sides, but it could be brushed up and held with gum, or it might be curled all over the head.

     Upper class people in the audience also dressed up, as how we do today if we were going to a play. Elizabethan men and women of the upper class dressed more for display than for comfort, and even their undergarments were designed to contribute to their appearance. The clothing was very intricate, and the amount of time that must have been put into making clothing with so many independent parts to be tied or pinned together is unbelievable in the modern day. The main female garment usually consisted of at least two parts: bodice and skirt.

    Elizabethan women loved to dress beautifully. But despite the richness of their clothing, men frequently outshone them in complexity of costume and the variety of cuts the fashion of that time provided.

If a picture's worth a thousand words..

I honestly don't find anything interesting about William Shakespeare so I decided to do my essay on the cool things about where he lived. So the first question is, where did he live? Wikipedia shows me that he lived in Warwick, England. This isn't going to be historically correct because I'm going to talk about modern day Warwick.

Warwick has a very medieval design to it. The streets in Warwick are quiet amazing. But they aren't from the original town that stood before because of the "great fire" that happened in 1694.

When entering the east side of Warwick you'll come across Warwick's east gate which is the the last part along with the west gate that remain from the original Warwick after the great fire.
Here is a picture of it below.

The most amazing thing about Warwick though, is the castle. The castle was built by William the Conquerer in 1068. The castle lies along the beautiful River Avon. The castle has had more then five rulers throughout its history. Although it has been structurally restored its is still the most amazing part about Shakespeare's town, Warwick. I think the only way to show how great it is, is by providing a few pictures.

All of these things provide to Warwick's culture which has been around for a thousand years. It's those reasons why it still stands today.

Warwick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Warwick Castle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm blue about this background...

Its almost the end of the year please change the back ground to something different hahahaha I'm blue!

Shakespeare Essay Thang

We've all read his stuff, or at least heard of it, William Shakespeare is possibly one of the most renowned writers of all time. But why do we worship him for being the greatest? Is he really that good of a writer? What's so special about Shakespeare?

I'm going to give you some piece of mind as to why I think Will Shakespeare really isn't that great, and why his writing should be put to rest with the rest of his material form.

Let's start with the biggest problem I have with his stories, the language. "Oh it's so poetic and beautiful!" can be applied to a lot of it or so people say. But it really sounds like shit if you put it into a modern setting or theme, that may have been the way of a good four hundred or six hundred years ago but not anymore. People talk as I'm typing right now and I can't hear a single thing that resembles the lingual structure of a Shakespearean play. This makes it instantaneously less enjoyable for me, it feels less real and I don't feel at all into the story. None of the characters speak the way you'd expect someone to speak since we're a bit far from those times, and while that's fine I guess and some people probably feel more immersed it makes the story extremely hard to follow for me. Call me thick or whatever, but you're the one choosing to read this.

This brings me to my second issue with Shakespeare's plays, characters. They're extremely over dramatic and could be comparable to that of a soap opera (in my opinion). Boy do I hate soap operas. This style of everyone overreacting to anything happening and stabbing each other in the back does not really drag me into the story, I get enough of that in the real world. I don't enjoy drama whatsoever, I think a good adventure or tale of slaying the dragon would be preferable, you don't get that just walking out your front door. I feel Shakespeare's plays aren't very imaginative, in other words. In the extreme case of Romeo and Juliet the lead characters end up killing themselves because they can't marry, that's it. It's nothing extreme or interesting but ends in some over-the-top murder. I can't find any enjoyment in that at all.

While those are really the only major gripes I have with William's plays, there's some little things that tick me off too. His stories have seemed somewhat lengthy to me, as far as a play would go. Once again, call me thick but you're choosing to read this. It all seems very lengthy and wordy, even something so simple as telling a messenger to deliver a letter. It's all strung out. maybe this is something you enjoy but if I'm telling someone to cook me up a burger I'm just going to say I want a cheeseburga. I'm not explaining what about burgers attracts me to their taste as I caress the chef to persuade him to let me have it for free and I'm not saying a meat patty with two buns and but a slice of cheese! Please fine sir, do not forget the lettuce. Oh how I enjoyed it in my youth, and still do!

I think that's about it. The stories just really aren't interesting to me, and I don't see any reason for Shakespeare to be better than J. R. R. Tolkien or whoever the flip the writer of Twilight was, if anything he's an equal to a lot of modern day material. Not the best though. Hopefully this entire thing wasn't super irrelevant, but I really don't like Shakespeare.

*** I don't have any sources to cite? This is entirely off the top of my head. I'd appreciate it if a peer could convince me these plays are worth the time though, I in fact, challenge you to.

Tea and Crumpets

I wasn't going to do this topic but then when you specifically didn't choose it for an example in class, you spiked my interest and i had to. Now on to the essay!

Do you even know what tea and crumpets are? We all recognize them as a traditional British snack, and even associate them with kings. But how traditional are they? Do they date back say 100 years? How bout 200? Do they date back all the way to the time of Shakespeare? What the heck are they? And did Shakespeare eat them himself? In the following i hope to answer all of the above and much more.
Tea and crumpets were originally devised by some lucky Anglo-Saxon from as far back as the 5th century A.D. Far forward from the time of Shakespeare, which was in the 17th century. All they were was hard pancakes cooked on a griddle. But then in the victorian era two thing happened. First People of the lower east and midlands developed a unique structure of holes in the top of the crumpet by adding extra baking powder. And second bakers started using yeast in their batter. With both of these you now in modern day times get...

But the Victorian era came much latter than the Elizabethan era, 200 years latter. Now it is possible for Shakespeare to have eaten them just not in the same modern form they are now.
The diet of someone in Shakespeare's time consisted mostly of lamb cows chickens and poultry, like most of us today. But they ate a lot of stews, because it was an easy way to prepare food, boil it and make it sterile, and it made the food stretch a long way. They ate bread, some of which still could have been crumpets. Also for someone of Shakespeare's status he could have easily bought the the best bread at the time which was " 'Manchet' (a white bread) was the finest and most expensive" (Blurtit) So a crumpet couldn't be that far off.
We can also assume that Shakespeare ate what was served at his theater, 'The globe.' Every time a play would come around the "Non playgoers would flock to the grounds to go to the market stalls and 'soak in ' the holiday-like atmosphere" (Globe Theater) They served all sorts of things from hazel nuts to pig fried on a portable spit Right out in front. Shellfish such as oysters clams and crab were served as in theater food to. It's as close as you can get to modern day convenience food.
So while it may seem that it is unlikely that Shakespeare ate modern day crumpets because they were invented after he lived and died. His diet consisted more of meat potatoes and stew with a lot of bread mixed in some of which could have been called a crumpet. But the one thing he most likely did drink was tea, which has been around since the beginning of time.

By, Austin Sandford


Globe Theatre. Globe Theatre Food. 23 may 2010>.

Wilbert. BlurtIt. 2007-2010. 23 may 2010 <>.

Topic #14 William Shakespeare

I am going to do the topic about Williams education and how smart he really was. What was Shakespeare's highest level of education? I think he was probably pretty smart and had a decent education because of the family he came from. I looked it up online and this is what I found. There are no specific records of Williams attendance at school but Williams parents were both Illiterate. Because of his fathers standing in the community and his election to the position of alderman, His children were granted free education. This leads me to believe that William had a pretty good or at least decent education. It is not known how long William attended school. some believe from previous records that William Shakespeare attended King Edward IV Grammar School and received an education in Stratford from the age of seven in in 1571 and left school and formal education when he was 14 in 1578. So thats what I found out about William Shakespeare's Education.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Be Not Afraid

“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness trust upon ‘em.”
-Read by Malvolio, Twelfth Night Act II, SceneV

In Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night, one of the main character’s steward is the character everyone dislikes and wants to get rid of. One night when three characters, Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Maria, and Feste are having a good time, Malvolio, the steward burst in to scold them for their behavior. They decide that the arrogant steward needs to be taken down a little bit, so they plan a practical joke. This specific line suggests that he can become “great” by doing certain things, which are completely ridiculous. After completing the tasks Olivia thinks he has gone mad, therefore she has him locked up.

In the context that this quote is used it means, that some people are born into greatness, because their family is great or powerful, some achieve greatness by working hard, and some have greatness thrust upon them, meaning that it is pushed to them by someone or something that believes they deserve it. The quote is telling Malvolio that just because he does not believe that he is great, that he can achieve greatness by completely the tasks in his letter.

This quote has been used more than just in Shakespeare’s play. In the movie She’s the Man Duke is explaining to Viola that they need her to play on the soccer team, he tells her like their coach always says, “Be not afraid of greatness, so are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”

Other than movies, people have used them in their speeches. Dingiri Banda Wijetunga who was the fourth president of Sri Lanka, used the quote in his farewell speech when he was leaving parliament. Even though Shakespeare used the quote as part of a comic practical joke, many people interpret the quote to be a powerful and inspiring quote.

We all know bits and pieces of lines and quotes from Shakespeare but for one to be so powerful, that people today, which is 400 or so years later, are using it in their speeches that is amazing. You normally don’t see a public figure quoting, Romeo and Juliet in a Speech or Midsummer’s Nights dream. So a comedy line can be turned into a life lesson just by interpretation, but also, Shakespeare had an odd way of putting things that have great meaning into something that was different from it. So by putting it in the letter you could get the message in a creative way.

Works Cited
"William Shakespeare Quotes Twelfth Night" William Shakespeare the Complete Works. 21 May 2010.

"The meaning of Be not afraid of greatness Some are born great some achieve greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them?" WikiAnswers. 21 May 2010.

"Be not afraid of greatness" Enotes. 21 May 2010.

"Dingiri Banda Wijetunga" Wikipedia. 21 May 2010.

Topic 12

In my opinion, a responsible person is someone who takes care of themselves, does things on time, and gets things done. Also a resopnsible person is someone who thinks about their actions before they do them and considers the concequances. A resoponsible person does not do things that are harmful to themselves without considering what it will do to them in the long run and what it will do to others around them. For example, a responsible person does not smoke cigatettes because of the health problems it causes and because of the risk it causes others around them with second hand smoke.

What were Shakespeare's tragic plays, and why did he write them?

Shakespeare wrote a plethora of different plays. He wrote in three categories; comedies, tragedies, and histories. The category that I am most interested in, however, are his tragedies. So, my topic question is, why did Shakespeare write tragedies?
Shakespeare’s tragedies included: Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caeser, King Lear, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, The History of Troilus and Cressida, The Life of Timon and of Athens, and last, Titus Andronicus. Two other plays were considered tragedies as well, but were also considered romance by other people; Cymbeline and Richard II. Shakespeare’s plays were connected to Aristotle’s perception of tragedy; the character must be well liked, but also capable of making mistakes, and the audience must sympathize with the characters. His characters were also capable of being good or evil, and had the free will to back out of anything whenever they liked.
Shakespeare wrote tragedies because he thought that other tragic plots that English writers wrote were lacking in plot. Most of his tragedies included a main character that usually died or had something bad happen. He also included suspense and climax to attract more attention. Also in his tragedies, the main character, or hero, was usually a wealthy nobleman. He was usually well in society, and possessed some flaws that contributed to his downfall. There were also evil agents that helped plot the downfall.
The most popular tragedies written by Shakespeare were:
Hamlet: About an emotionally scarred man that wants to avenge the murder of his father, the king.
Othello: About a general in the military in Venice is victimized because of his love for the daughter of a venetian statesman
Macbeth: About a noble warrior that gets caught up in a struggle of power.
King Lear: About an old man’s descent into madness as the world around him crumbles

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is silence truly golden?

Is silence truly golden?
No, i think that silence is like everything else in this reality. Silence is something beautiful in its ownself, but in the long run, can ruin a person. I believe that to much of silence can drive anyone crazy. I think that silence is great, but if silence doesnt allow one to comuunicate with the outside world, and not allow life, then no silence isnt golden. However, if silence is aquired through an escape, then sure, its golden.

What's the most interesting Shakespeare adaptation.

What is the most unusual interpretation of a Shakespeare play?

Shakespeare's plays, while written in a very classical text style, always deal with issues that are relivant to society. Their "public domain" status are appealing to ambitious screenwriters, who are always looking for ways to translate the classic shows into a modern context. The idea of "Modern Shakespeare" has been around for years, and they've all taken some interesting ways with the story. But out of every modern remake, one has to top them all as the most absurd, the most out-there adaptation of one of The Bard's legendary stories.
Most "Modern Shakespeare" stories are focused toward the teenage audience. AFI explains this trend - "Teens might seem to be the least likely audience for Shakespeare, since high schools overflow with students dispiritedly slogging through Julius Caesar or Romeo and Juliet. Watching Shakespeare is entirely different from reading him, however, and filmmakers seem eager to turn otherwise reluctant audiences on to the classic stories. These days, even plays that on the surface have nothing to do with adolescent concerns--such as Macbeth, reconfigured in the movie Scotland, PA--are fodder for the burgeoning teen flick genre. After all, young actors are cheaper than established ones, Shakespeare is a proven product, and the story is already written."
The easiest method of making a classic Shakespeare peice new again is to simply move it to a high school. Long-dueling families become street gangs, wars become sporting events - once put into a new context, the old stories prove to have a relatable formula. In "Twelth Night", a girl finds herself trapped in a foreign kingdom, and dresses up as a man to succeed in life. Gender-bending hilarity insues. So when it was picked up for a modern remake, (two times, once in the 80's as "Boys Don't Cry", and in the 2000's as "She's The Man") the story fits in perfectly with the classic teenage comedy formula. Amanda Bynes in drag may seem like an odd place for a Shakespeare play, but it's actually fairly close to the subject material.
Most famous of the "Teenage Shakespeare" movies, is most certainly Baz Luhrmann's Leonardo-DiCaprio-starring Romeo + Juliet. The movie moved the story to the California gangland, and paired it with an over-the-top directorial style that added in intense scenes of action. It was controversial at the time, for both it's violent content - and a flashy directorial style that at times seemed more like a music video than an actual film. Luhrmann's alleged intention was to "direct the movie as Shakespeare would have if he had been a film director.". It's over-the-top and does everything to be palatable to the teenage audience.

But all of those are fairly tame adaptations when compared to my all-time weirdest. You see, Shakespeare's name doesn't always have to be used in the title. While films like those above show their Shakespeare inspirations on their sleeve, a very well-known movie takes a great deal of inspiration from Hamlet - one of Shakespeare's most famous works. But instead of setting it in Denmark, this one put it in the jungle, and cast every character as an animal. Yes, The Lion King is in fact based on Hamlet. While a great deal of the characters have been tweaked, and the ending made "Disney Friendly", the basic elements of "revenge, hesitation, family conflict, power, and responsibility" are still center-stage, and the relations between characters show a lot of similarities when the two are compared. This is what makes it the most interesting of all Shakespeare adaptations - you don't even know it's based on one of Shakespeare's works.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Late Blogs Continued

Topic 7: Spring.

I hate spring. The weather is so bi polar and it rains while it's sunny and I hate that combination, it makes everything feel gross. I know spring is here because I begin to see the leaves on trees and the cherry blossoms. My favorite part about spring though is the rainbows. You usually see a lot more of those. And the thunderstorms!

Topic 8: Lacking

I feel that I am lacking my voice.. I don't use it as much as Id like to with debates and I am a horrible person to argue with because I can never keep my side of things. I always get turned around easily. The biggest obstacle in my life right now is probably my procrastination.. I could be accomplishing so many things but I tend to leave it off.. and then never get to it (for example, these blogs) It makes me sad and I'm trying to get better at it.

More coming! ...

My many late blogs...

Topic #1- I would grade the class a B because we work well when we really get into something but tend to talk alot. I would grade myaelf as an f+ because I didn't do anything and the plus is because I am now.

Topic #2- Charecters are my favorite part of storys. I love getting to know people and study them, that sounds a little weird but I find it interesting to really see people for who they are not just for what they show.

Topic #3-

What is your favorite movie of all time? Why? Across the universe.
(You may choose more than one movie)
What is the best movie you have seen in the last month or two? Clash of the titans.
What is your favorite action (boy-flick) scene? Don't have one.
What is your favorite romantic (chick-flick) scene? Don't have one.
What is your favorite line or speech or piece of dialogue to quote? Katherines poem from 10 things I have about you.
What is your favorite guilty pleasure movie (That is, a movie you are ashamed to like, but you like it anyway)? The notebook, of course.

Topic #4- I really have nothing nice to say about sports or anything bad so I will take the alternative.

I don't believe people can be bad or good. People are a mix of both.

Topic #5-

What is your favorite song? Right now it's Kristy are you doing okay? by the offspring because it reminds me of one of my best friends.

Who is your favorite musical artist? Skillet.

What is your favorite genre of music? Rock.

Topic #6-
I don't know what my stereotype would be called but I think it falls in with something like "losers". I've never cared what people thought of the people I hang out with. I don't feel embarresed to talk to someone because it might hurt my oh so high popularity rank (ha-ha). I judge people on who they are as a person not what they wear.

Topic #7-
My favorite part of spring is when the tree's bloom. It makes my day to see colors instead of gray gray gray.

Topic #8-
I'm a procrastinator. I always tell myself "I'll do this tomorrow, turn that in, finish that..." but I never do. I get distracted and when I remember I tell myself the same things. It's a habit I'm trying to break.

Being under the influence is not an excuse for hurting someone or property, When people choose to drink or get high they have to accept all the responibilities that can come from it.
The laws on pleading infancy are ridiculous. Can't be charged if your under 7 years old? When i was 7 and 6 I knew what I was doing when I did something I shouldn't. It's true that people mature differently but there are things are embedded in us even at a young age that tells us what is right and wrong. Now if they're insane, they are obviously not in a right state of mind and not purely acting on their own actions, they should recieve treatment and what not but jail maybe not. Lack of action is just as bad as doing the crime yourself. I can't imagine seeing another human being laying on the ground dieing and walking by as if he were nothing, or even worse taking a picture! maybe all those people thought "I don't need to call, somebody else will or probably already has" but i doubt it.

Technology is a good thing, it improves our lives in many ways such as medicine and communication. People are the problem, they get obsessed with things like twitter and forget reality.

Late, late, late topics.

Topic 1: Grade the class.
    I'd give our class a 5.5/10 because we talk a lot and we tend to stray from the subject a lot as well. I find myself getting very annoyed in that class.

Topic 2: My elements of fiction.
     I'd say I'm more of a people watcher.. I base how I act around people with how the other people are acting. Sometimes I feel like I stray from my true sense of self in order to not upset anyone or lead into unwanted situations. I pay more attention to the theme of things; how things turn out to be or what the deeper meaning is behind it all.

Topic 3: Movies
    What is your favorite movie of all time? Why?:  Titanic because it has a tragic ending and a very happy beginning. It makes you think how your whole life could change in an instant. And the possibility of the love Jack and Rose felt between eachother seems like it makes everything worthwhile.
What is the best movie you have seen in the last month or two?: Probably.. Alice in Wonderland. I don't watch a lot of movies.
What is your favorite action (boy-flick) scene?: I have no idea.
What is your favorite romantic (chick-flick) scene?: Titanic when Rose runs back to Jack after getting on the boat.. It gets me everytime.
What is your favorite line or speech or piece of dialogue to quote?: Alice in Wonderland: "If I had  a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what would it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would."
What is your favorite guilty pleasure movie (That is, a movie you are ashamed to like, but you like it anyway)?: Umm... A Clockwork Orange.

Topic 4: Sports
      I think sports are a great thing for high schoolers because studies show, students who are apart of team sport, their grades are better. And also, it gives people a sense of worth being apart of a team and working together. Honestly though,.. I could care less about the Olympic sports. I don't like watching sports on the TV, I'd rather be doing them.

Topic 5:  Music
What is your favorite song?:  What I Wouldn't Do by: A Fine Frenzy because listening to it makes me happy and think about summer.
Who is your favorite musical artist?:  Either Charlotte Martin or Imogen Heap
What is your favorite genre of music?: Acoustic

Topic 6: Cliques
   Me personally, I don't think I belong to a "clique" but I would have to say if other people saw me, they would think I was a "prep" because the way I dress or "shy kid" because I don't talk a bunch. I hate the idea of cliques though, it doesnt do anyone good. All it does is cause angst between the cliques. No bueno.

...More to come.


Acting, and sexism Topic 14!!

hahaha wow I wrote the paper in microsoft now it wont let me transfer it over great!
Oh wait!! I can put it in the comments section!........Scroll down please if you would like to read my.....fantastical wonderful essay..... -_- right.......

shakespeare project

Shakespeare had seven brothers and sisters. three died before the age of eleven. four girls and three boys. his mother was mary shakespeare, she died in 1608. little elts is know about her. his father was john shakespeare, a glove maker who hewld several public offices over a twenty year time period.

William shakespeare was married to a woman named anna. they had three children susanna, and the twins hamnet and judith. hamnet was raised in his grandfauthers house for the most part, since his fauthers work was based in london. durring the spread of the bubonic plague hamnet contracted the deadly deseas and died at the age of eleven.
The first we hear of Susanna is in 1606 when on May 5th Susanna was named as a recusant for not attending an Easter Day Church service. susanna married Dr. John Hall, a noted physician. shakespear appointed John and Susanna executors of his will. sussana gave birth to a baby girl named elisabeth 8 months after there marraige.
Judith was the youngest of his children. she married a man named Thomas Quiney. he was a vintner and tavern owner from Stratford.The initial approval of the marriage quickly changed with the scandalous news that Thomas Quiney had made another girl pregnant. The situation was really serious and on March 12th Judith and Thomas were excommunicated. she was then betrothed to richard quiney.
Through richard and judith shakespear had three grand children who all died. Shakespeare Quiney, He died in infancy, aged 6 months. Richard Quiney, aged 21 (possibly of the plague). Thomas Quiney, died the same month as his brother, aged 19 .
Through susanna and john shakespear had one chrandchild. elisibeth, she grew up and inherited the shakespear name. she was the only one of shakespear grandchildren that he actualy knew all of the others were born after his death. although elisibeth married twise she had no children ending the shakespear bloodline.
Although shakespears liginimate bloodline ended is it romored that he had an illigitimate son names william Davenant. willam shakespear stood as his godfather at his baptism when he was a baby. and he was a good playwrite.

what did shakespeare do when he wasnt writing?

So im just going to do this research essay on shakespears non-theatrical life. like who and what was his family like and what did he do on a daily basis. Also i may talk about some of the major things that happend in his life so this may turn out to be a biography of him. So what DID he do when he wasnt working? What was his family and social life like? I hope to answer these questions as best as i can.

So first of all, he was born on April 23, 1564 and died at 52 years on his birthday. His parents were, i guess, considered middle to upper class bacause his dad bacame a bailiff, or a mayor of sorts. He lived in stratford and attended a local school there to learn a wide variety of things such as logic and liturature. He married anne hathaway, a farmers girl, at age 18 and had three children together.

Eventhough his plays are famous today, he was very poor during his teenage years all the way into his career in writing plays but when everyone started reconizing how good his plays were, he got a fair amount of cash and had a decent living. There is some speculation that after shakespeare left highschool at 15, he went to go work for his father but he also could have taken up some sort of odd job while he wrote his first play. Shakespeare apparently wrote and acted for Pembroke’s Men, as well as a lot of other people, one of these groups was Strange’s Men, which later became the Chamberlain’s Men, and he stayed with them for the rest of his career.

When the plague came around and practically wiped out the performing arts, shakespear turned to writing poetry thats book length. When the theater re-opened, he went back to writing plays and stopped writing poetry. apparently right before his retirement someone went ahead and publishedd his poetry without him knowing, otherwise they would have never been published. as for what was happening with his family, his only son Hamnet died when he was eleven, leaving just his daughters.

most of shakespeares plays where never published but of the ones that we do have, he wrote atleast 37 plays. (sorry the end was kinda weak. i had to finish this at a dinner party using one of my moms friends computers! fun stuff right there!)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

John Creamer

I miss him. Does anyone here remember him?

Blogs blogs blogs.

Topic 1 - Our class. Well our class talks alot.. And we have those damn kids that sit in the back... But it's definately my favorite class I have, even if I don't do anything.

Topic 2 - I think characters are the most important in a story. I don't care where the story is, what is going on, or whatever else. As long as there's an interesting character it's all good.

Topic 3 - Ive done this one.

Topic 4 - Sports. I used to do alot of sports. I played foot ball for 6 years and baseball for 11. I like playing sports for fun and sometimes for competition. But as for watching sports. Nah I don't like watching sports.

Topic 5 - Nirvana is my favorite band. My current favorite song is "Weekend Wars" by MGMT.

Topic 6 - I don't care what group people put me in. I think cliques are ridiculous and all, but who the hell cares what others think of you? Especially if you don't give a damn about the people who are labeling you.

Topic 7 - Spring break is great. The whole no school thing is nice.

Topic 8 - Whats missing from my life? Well probably a set of goals and some confidence in myself that im going to do things in life. Also a band... id like one of those.

Topic 9 - Well I like women. I'd never give up being a man because I wouldnt be the same person at all. I can totally say that 100%

Topic 10 - Do I see the mystery hiding in the world? I guess it's pretty good at hiding cause I don't see alot of mystery in my life at least. Thats not to say it isnt there.

Topic 11 - I couldnt live without people. Friends especially. Im an entertainer and thats all I wanna do in my life.

Topic 12 - Your resposible for what you do UNLESS, you are a full blown crazy ass. Legally I think were to soft when we rule people on insanity.

Topic 13 - Technology... I believe that technology is a very good thing and a terrible thing at the same time. That sounds retarded. Anyway, alot of technology might be invented with very good intentions but there are always ways to turn those thing to terrible, terrible things. Im not gonna give examples look them up yourself.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Responsibility, is the bane of my sorry life. I am the most unorganized person on the planet. I have horrid abilities in the aspects of money, gas, and grades. I fall behind alot, because in my mind i always seem to have an unlimited amount of time and brain capacity, so i feel that i can do everything in my head. The unfortunate consequence of my thought process is that while i don't intend to, i forget almost everything im supposed and expected to do. I slack in things like these blogs, my chores, and even things like remembering prescription drugs im supposed to pick up, or my contacts which until today had been sitting at the eye doctors since last week.
Im Horrid with Responsibility.

topic 14 - Was shakespeare a......

I couldnt get it out of my mind.all over in his plays..., people dying practically being exterminated!what was that man thinking about as all these people were dying, and then it came to me. SHAKESPEARES A NAZI!!! i know i know you guys are all probably thinking "Jonah, just shut up" . but seriously just think about it folks.All the needless bloodshed, all the supremacy of everything, romeo and juliets"final solution"to their parents not wanting them together. Its just too much, it must be.
those of you who dont believe can even go to jonahs invisible website of info due to him not wanting crackheads to steal it.As i was checking up on it i realized that there was several pieces of writing using the font"shakespears handwriting" all these facts about him being a self proclaimed Nazi.One piece of writing especially caught my interest that said "i shakespeare am the harbinger of destruction to the jews". I simply couldnt believe so i checked my even more invisible website of info where everything was erased but something new was there. it said "why dont you believeme jonah"I suddenly became quite frightened,i looked out the windows I checked all of the rooms and closets, but there was nothing. i had to keep reading but all that was there was "I shakespeare am a nazi, I shakespeare am a nazi, I shakespeare am a nazi" over and over and over again. I simply couldnt contain myself, I let a blood curdling scream. I new then that i was going insane and i must stop reading.
(shaky sigh)I know that it must be true theres sadly no other possible alternative. shakespear was is and always will be a nazi. we must not run from this fact or it will chase us down and consume us.We must simply ackknowledge this sad fact.
but that wasnt all, I realized,
if shakespeare is a nazi then all those people that enjoyed his writings even a single line out of a script is also a nazi or at least a nazi lover.It was to overwhelming to bear i had to weep into the key board. I too was a nazi. we all must come to agreeance on this or we might all be destroyed by this. theres nothing we can do besides destroy all of shakespeares works. We must be unified in this terrible times of realization.or all will be lost............