Sunday, May 30, 2010

Giving Up - Will C.

Obviously, you shouldn't give up if you have a likely chance of succeeding or the stakes are very high. However, say you had like 20 projects due the next day and you have to build a shed for your new alpacas so they don't die of exposure... no, just kidding. If somebody's life depends on it and you can do something, then you should stop at nothing to save them. Unless it puts your life at high risk. And it has to be someone specific, not just like, Oh, people in Africa are starving, you could fly over with McDonalds and save all their lives. And I guess stop at nothing is a little too definate for what I'm trying to say. Not if it puts anybody's life in danger, I should have said. For little things, sure you can give up if there's nothing to be gained, like Cole replaying the same level on Trials 500 billion times. Then you should give up. Other than that, it really just depends on the situation.

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