Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My many late blogs...

Topic #1- I would grade the class a B because we work well when we really get into something but tend to talk alot. I would grade myaelf as an f+ because I didn't do anything and the plus is because I am now.

Topic #2- Charecters are my favorite part of storys. I love getting to know people and study them, that sounds a little weird but I find it interesting to really see people for who they are not just for what they show.

Topic #3-

What is your favorite movie of all time? Why? Across the universe.
(You may choose more than one movie)
What is the best movie you have seen in the last month or two? Clash of the titans.
What is your favorite action (boy-flick) scene? Don't have one.
What is your favorite romantic (chick-flick) scene? Don't have one.
What is your favorite line or speech or piece of dialogue to quote? Katherines poem from 10 things I have about you.
What is your favorite guilty pleasure movie (That is, a movie you are ashamed to like, but you like it anyway)? The notebook, of course.

Topic #4- I really have nothing nice to say about sports or anything bad so I will take the alternative.

I don't believe people can be bad or good. People are a mix of both.

Topic #5-

What is your favorite song? Right now it's Kristy are you doing okay? by the offspring because it reminds me of one of my best friends.

Who is your favorite musical artist? Skillet.

What is your favorite genre of music? Rock.

Topic #6-
I don't know what my stereotype would be called but I think it falls in with something like "losers". I've never cared what people thought of the people I hang out with. I don't feel embarresed to talk to someone because it might hurt my oh so high popularity rank (ha-ha). I judge people on who they are as a person not what they wear.

Topic #7-
My favorite part of spring is when the tree's bloom. It makes my day to see colors instead of gray gray gray.

Topic #8-
I'm a procrastinator. I always tell myself "I'll do this tomorrow, turn that in, finish that..." but I never do. I get distracted and when I remember I tell myself the same things. It's a habit I'm trying to break.

Being under the influence is not an excuse for hurting someone or property, When people choose to drink or get high they have to accept all the responibilities that can come from it.
The laws on pleading infancy are ridiculous. Can't be charged if your under 7 years old? When i was 7 and 6 I knew what I was doing when I did something I shouldn't. It's true that people mature differently but there are things are embedded in us even at a young age that tells us what is right and wrong. Now if they're insane, they are obviously not in a right state of mind and not purely acting on their own actions, they should recieve treatment and what not but jail maybe not. Lack of action is just as bad as doing the crime yourself. I can't imagine seeing another human being laying on the ground dieing and walking by as if he were nothing, or even worse taking a picture! maybe all those people thought "I don't need to call, somebody else will or probably already has" but i doubt it.

Technology is a good thing, it improves our lives in many ways such as medicine and communication. People are the problem, they get obsessed with things like twitter and forget reality.

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