Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is silence truly golden?

Is silence truly golden?
No, i think that silence is like everything else in this reality. Silence is something beautiful in its ownself, but in the long run, can ruin a person. I believe that to much of silence can drive anyone crazy. I think that silence is great, but if silence doesnt allow one to comuunicate with the outside world, and not allow life, then no silence isnt golden. However, if silence is aquired through an escape, then sure, its golden.

1 comment:

  1. Silence will only drive you mad if your mind is incapable of quiet. If you can stop screaming inside your head, then the silence will not bother you.

    Is it possible to stop the noise inside one's own head? For an everyday American, and probably most Westerners, no; we're never truly quiet. But a Zen buddhist would say it is not only possible, but necessary, so if they can do it, why can't we?


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