Wednesday, May 19, 2010

shakespeare project

Shakespeare had seven brothers and sisters. three died before the age of eleven. four girls and three boys. his mother was mary shakespeare, she died in 1608. little elts is know about her. his father was john shakespeare, a glove maker who hewld several public offices over a twenty year time period.

William shakespeare was married to a woman named anna. they had three children susanna, and the twins hamnet and judith. hamnet was raised in his grandfauthers house for the most part, since his fauthers work was based in london. durring the spread of the bubonic plague hamnet contracted the deadly deseas and died at the age of eleven.
The first we hear of Susanna is in 1606 when on May 5th Susanna was named as a recusant for not attending an Easter Day Church service. susanna married Dr. John Hall, a noted physician. shakespear appointed John and Susanna executors of his will. sussana gave birth to a baby girl named elisabeth 8 months after there marraige.
Judith was the youngest of his children. she married a man named Thomas Quiney. he was a vintner and tavern owner from Stratford.The initial approval of the marriage quickly changed with the scandalous news that Thomas Quiney had made another girl pregnant. The situation was really serious and on March 12th Judith and Thomas were excommunicated. she was then betrothed to richard quiney.
Through richard and judith shakespear had three grand children who all died. Shakespeare Quiney, He died in infancy, aged 6 months. Richard Quiney, aged 21 (possibly of the plague). Thomas Quiney, died the same month as his brother, aged 19 .
Through susanna and john shakespear had one chrandchild. elisibeth, she grew up and inherited the shakespear name. she was the only one of shakespear grandchildren that he actualy knew all of the others were born after his death. although elisibeth married twise she had no children ending the shakespear bloodline.
Although shakespears liginimate bloodline ended is it romored that he had an illigitimate son names william Davenant. willam shakespear stood as his godfather at his baptism when he was a baby. and he was a good playwrite.

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