Monday, May 24, 2010

Topic #9: Sexism

First off, woman have it tougher, in regard that society today, is for the most part, male dominant. With that said, woman also make it tougher on themselves, what with their obsession over appearance and their need to achieve that image, whether it be through make-up or even cosmetic surgery. In regards to what men are better at then woman, I would have to say that men are better at physical work or just providing his family with the things they need. However, woman are capable of that, they are just not as good at doing it partly because of how society is sexist, but also because they are just not as capable at it. With that said, woman are better at nurture. They can provide emotional support to the kids, or even their partner, way better then a male can, which in itself, is very important. The reason for this is, males, in their childhood, detach from their mothers, emotionally, way sooner then they should, causing them to have problems when it comes to emotions. In the end however, males are more dependant on females, more than females are dependant on males, for example, males expect woman to do the small things for them, like laundry and dishes. I honestly think that woman would be worse off by themselves, not becase males are better than females, but because males, are, inherently, not as emotional as females, in the regard that females, would suffer with the lack of companionship more then a male would.

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