Wednesday, May 19, 2010

what did shakespeare do when he wasnt writing?

So im just going to do this research essay on shakespears non-theatrical life. like who and what was his family like and what did he do on a daily basis. Also i may talk about some of the major things that happend in his life so this may turn out to be a biography of him. So what DID he do when he wasnt working? What was his family and social life like? I hope to answer these questions as best as i can.

So first of all, he was born on April 23, 1564 and died at 52 years on his birthday. His parents were, i guess, considered middle to upper class bacause his dad bacame a bailiff, or a mayor of sorts. He lived in stratford and attended a local school there to learn a wide variety of things such as logic and liturature. He married anne hathaway, a farmers girl, at age 18 and had three children together.

Eventhough his plays are famous today, he was very poor during his teenage years all the way into his career in writing plays but when everyone started reconizing how good his plays were, he got a fair amount of cash and had a decent living. There is some speculation that after shakespeare left highschool at 15, he went to go work for his father but he also could have taken up some sort of odd job while he wrote his first play. Shakespeare apparently wrote and acted for Pembroke’s Men, as well as a lot of other people, one of these groups was Strange’s Men, which later became the Chamberlain’s Men, and he stayed with them for the rest of his career.

When the plague came around and practically wiped out the performing arts, shakespear turned to writing poetry thats book length. When the theater re-opened, he went back to writing plays and stopped writing poetry. apparently right before his retirement someone went ahead and publishedd his poetry without him knowing, otherwise they would have never been published. as for what was happening with his family, his only son Hamnet died when he was eleven, leaving just his daughters.

most of shakespeares plays where never published but of the ones that we do have, he wrote atleast 37 plays. (sorry the end was kinda weak. i had to finish this at a dinner party using one of my moms friends computers! fun stuff right there!)


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