Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I think 90% of the time technology is a good thing because it is made to make your life easier in which it does but the the down sides are that it is usually expensive and sometimes you just have to say no and go the hard way so you don't get lazy. Now I feel like a lot of technology that is coming out is pretty much the same as the previous one just because companies want a new product out like cellphones there are a million different ones but really they are all the same thing or like computers again all the same thing but people for some reason have to have different kinds of the same thing.

And just because Humphrey brought up his whiteboard even though it is supposed to be a step up it has the ecxact same purpose as the chalkboard and it was really a waste of money because the chalk board was fine


  1. there is so much technology in the world today and i think everyone expects everyone to be involved with it, such as teachers having their students do a lot of their work on the computer or getting cell phone numbers so people can text each other. and if people dont have technology its out of the ordinary because in today's society everyone has some kind of technology.
    i dont think i would always choose technology because some things are better to do without it such as reading a book or writing things that can help in the long run like reading a book at your own pace, understanding it, and practicing instead of technology reading to you and practicing in order to help your handwriting improve.what im meaning to say is there's things technology cant do for us that we have to do ourselves.

  2. Logan: I got the white board because I thought I might be allergic to chalk. (I still might be -- it's hard to say for sure.) Also because it erases more cleanly than did the blackboard. And there's less dust to get all over my pants/shirt/feet/skin, which I like better. So it does feel more advanced to me, because it has fewer drawbacks than does the chalkboard. Though the chalkboard had awesomeness.


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