Sunday, May 23, 2010

Shakespeare lost years
William Shakespeare life is believed to have begun on April 23, 1577, his mother being Mary Arden married to John Arden. William attended grammar school, and most likely studied Latin rhetoric, logic, and literature. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, a local farmer’s daughter eight years his elder. This is about the extent of what we in the modern world know about one of Man kind’s greatest play writes. There are several periods of his life were we can only speculate. Today, we call those periods, “Shakespeare’s Lost Years”.
The first part of Shakespeare’s “Lost Years” was set between the years 1578 – 1582, and this took place after Shakespeare left school, and before marrying Anne Hathaway. We know that the reason Shakespeare left school was to help financially struggling father. Other than that, most of this time is shrouded in mystery, but we can guess what he may have engaged in multiple jobs. It’s believed that Shakespeare was at some point a teacher, a soldier, or a law clerk. These are all feasible speculations because of the level of detail Shakespeare gives to his characters that held these occupations.
The second and final chapter to Shakespeare’s “Lost Years”, begins after his marriage to Anne Hathaway. After the year of 1582, Shakespeare disappears from history, only to recognize by his children’s baptisms, and by his plays.
Shakespeare’s life is one that will never be understood. Since he kept no journal, or diary, so we have absolutely no idea what his life was like. Today his life is a mystery, and I believe we will never know more than we already do.

1 comment:

  1., Wednesday, May 19, 2010 8:20 PM, Wednesday, May 19, 2010 8:20 PM


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