Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Late Blogs Continued

Topic 7: Spring.

I hate spring. The weather is so bi polar and it rains while it's sunny and I hate that combination, it makes everything feel gross. I know spring is here because I begin to see the leaves on trees and the cherry blossoms. My favorite part about spring though is the rainbows. You usually see a lot more of those. And the thunderstorms!

Topic 8: Lacking

I feel that I am lacking my voice.. I don't use it as much as Id like to with debates and I am a horrible person to argue with because I can never keep my side of things. I always get turned around easily. The biggest obstacle in my life right now is probably my procrastination.. I could be accomplishing so many things but I tend to leave it off.. and then never get to it (for example, these blogs) It makes me sad and I'm trying to get better at it.

More coming! ...

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