Monday, May 17, 2010

topic 13 - techno

No technology is not always a good thing. Theres is a whole lot that can be gained from it , and it can certainly make a lot of stuff easier. But we dont need quite a bit of it, of course need is a complete topic in and of itself, technically all we need is food, water, shelter, and maybe eachother.Theres a whole lot of stuff that could come from technology thats messed up because technology is just advancement really. Just to be simple and short how about advancements that people made in the 1800s to keep slaves obediant. i have seen some disgusting contraptions that i cannot fathom how we were able to put on another human being.i geuss though to them they wernt seen as humans so it might have been easier for them. Anyways im geting off topic. of course we could do without a lot of stuff, ive actually tried to throw my nintendo away a couple of times because i think it makes me lazy, but proved myself to be too weak to do so. But i geuss an advancement like baking bread to buying it and then toasting isnt that bad. i just hope that it doesnt advance into that contraption in (what we measure degrees in) (451 i think) thats were it gets quite a bit over negative. America is already known in a lot of other places (and here) for being the fat lazy country, so i think its quite possible weve already gone over the negative advancements line. Just because its available doesnt mean that we should go with it because quite obviously it could be a bad advancement.thats about it i geuss.If you read this soon then Mr. H as a forewarning im not going to be here tomorrow or the next day (Tuesday and wednsday)

Dont Get Lazy If You Arnt Yet US!
but if you do im willing to play some nintendo with you.

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