Monday, May 3, 2010

!42! Topic #13: Gremlins

Actually, we're just going to talk about technology this week, but since that's where gremlins come from (More commonly known in their recent reincarnation as "bugs," but Gremlins are way cooler than bugs)m I thought it would make a good title, and a good thing to consider.

So we've read a book and watched the movie version of that book -- a book you could also listen to an audio recording of, or read on your Kindle.  We've written journals on paper, and kept a class blog online.  I have recently replaced my chalkboard with a dry erase board, and today I switched my old overhead projector for a new document camera and InFocus projector.  All of which makes me wonder:

Is technology always a good thing?  If you have an option to perform a task with or without technology, would you always choose technology, or would you sometimes do without it?  Should you always choose higher technology when it is available?  Why or why not?  Please give as many examples as you can of positive and negative technology while you compose your answer.

By next Monday, please.

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