Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blogs blogs blogs.

Topic 1 - Our class. Well our class talks alot.. And we have those damn kids that sit in the back... But it's definately my favorite class I have, even if I don't do anything.

Topic 2 - I think characters are the most important in a story. I don't care where the story is, what is going on, or whatever else. As long as there's an interesting character it's all good.

Topic 3 - Ive done this one.

Topic 4 - Sports. I used to do alot of sports. I played foot ball for 6 years and baseball for 11. I like playing sports for fun and sometimes for competition. But as for watching sports. Nah I don't like watching sports.

Topic 5 - Nirvana is my favorite band. My current favorite song is "Weekend Wars" by MGMT.

Topic 6 - I don't care what group people put me in. I think cliques are ridiculous and all, but who the hell cares what others think of you? Especially if you don't give a damn about the people who are labeling you.

Topic 7 - Spring break is great. The whole no school thing is nice.

Topic 8 - Whats missing from my life? Well probably a set of goals and some confidence in myself that im going to do things in life. Also a band... id like one of those.

Topic 9 - Well I like women. I'd never give up being a man because I wouldnt be the same person at all. I can totally say that 100%

Topic 10 - Do I see the mystery hiding in the world? I guess it's pretty good at hiding cause I don't see alot of mystery in my life at least. Thats not to say it isnt there.

Topic 11 - I couldnt live without people. Friends especially. Im an entertainer and thats all I wanna do in my life.

Topic 12 - Your resposible for what you do UNLESS, you are a full blown crazy ass. Legally I think were to soft when we rule people on insanity.

Topic 13 - Technology... I believe that technology is a very good thing and a terrible thing at the same time. That sounds retarded. Anyway, alot of technology might be invented with very good intentions but there are always ways to turn those thing to terrible, terrible things. Im not gonna give examples look them up yourself.

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