Monday, May 24, 2010

Topic #14- Mr. Shakespeare- Will L

Who were Shakespeare's influences? This is what I chose to do my topic on.

In the 1500s, the rulers of England had a huge influence on the people who lived there, seeing as how they had control on what family deserved what. The church was also a big influence, but those were all controlled by the rulers of England as well. Shakespeare was born and raised catholic, and was even married in a Catholic church.

It turns out that one of Shakespeare's greatest influences was his father, John. John Shakespeare was the town mayor and glove maker- which was more prestigious than it sounds now. His father gave William the best chance to apprentice in glove-making, but William chose not to.

Another one of Shakespeare's influences was his family. Shakespeare figured out that he had to provide for his family, so he left to go work for the theater, and they are largely responsible for Shakespeare being a successful play write.

"Shakespeare was a legendary English writer. He was raised in a high-class family who seemed to have a plan for him, but he did not follow this plan. The many influences around him such as His parents, and his wife and children, seemed to keep his life changing constantly. Also the rapid change of rulers, and religions, may have been a crucial reason for some of his inspirations, and finest literary works."

Roberts, Dan "Shakespeare's Influences"
Writinghood. March 4th, 2008

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