Monday, May 24, 2010

Missing blogposts

Topic #7
I like almost everything about spring. I don’t like the rain, but I do like the sun we begin to see finally. And I like flowers. I don’t like the bugs that begin to appear. They’re annoying. I also like knowing that school is almost out.
I don’t think I actually have a favorite season because each becomes my favorite while I’m in it. I always say that winter is my favorite though. I really like snow (if we get it, which we hardly ever do). So I guess I only really like the thought of winter. The real thing isn’t as great as I want it to be.
Topic #8
I’ll get back to the life-lacking (haha) part. I would have to say that my biggest obstacle in life is my lovely talent at procrastinating. I am in fact so good at procrastination that I haven’t written on the blog since before spring break. I tend to wait to do everything from homework to cleaning my room until I’m in complete desperation. This usually causes a lot of stress.
My life is lacking excitement. Honestly I’m so boring. I don’t do anything worth telling people when they ask me what I did over the weekend, etc. So I believe I should have some events in my life.
I lack athletic ability. I can’t run, I can’t play sports, I’m just incapable or something. Actually until December I had a ton of leg muscle from ballet, but then I had to quit. So now I’m back to being a wimp. Yay.
Topic #9
I seriously don’t think you can say whether men or women have it harder because we’re so different. Women have it tough, but men have tough things to deal with too. They’re not an exception to bad things. Throughout history women have been mistreated and discriminated against, but nowadays I almost feel like the guys are getting paid back.
For the most part, men are bigger and stronger. Also they have a bigger brain capacity. But they can use very little of their knowledge at one time. Women are typically not so strong and physically capable. Although we have less in our brains, we can use a lot of it at one time. I heard somewhere that women think more when they aren’t thinking about anything than men do when they’re really thinking hard. Isn’t that hilarious? But that doesn’t mean one’s better than the other.
It’s hard to say who would have an easier time on their own. Women need guys for emotion stability, but guys tend to be unable to take care of themselves. I’m sure the guys could learn, so I think women would have a harder time. Women act like they’re so self-sufficient and independent but I believe their emotional well-being would suffer if they didn’t have a guy to say “suck it up”. But that’s just my opinion.
Topic #10
We live in a world that’s constantly on the move. It’s difficult to notice things when we’re always going from one thing to the next. Sad? Yes. I believe there is mystery and wonder. There are so many beautiful things that happen everyday, but we don’t usually see them. We’re too busy to look for them, or we don’t care. Sometimes they’re right there, like in the video (I’d actually heard about it before but never watched it. Crazy right? I like to think I’d stop… but I don’t know.) but we don’t acknowledge or even recognize them. Maybe it’s time to slow down and search a little.
Topic #11
My favorites: What era would you rather live in and why? Write from your enemy’s point of view.
I would love to live in the 40’s, just a classy time period. But also I want to live in the 50’s. Poodle skirts? Heck yes! Then I think it would be cool to live during Jane Austen period (1800’s somewhere, not exactly sure) because everything was so formal and exciting. I’ve read a few Jane Austen books and watched all the movies, and I’ve just got one question. Is it just me or do they never do any work? All day they just write letters or call on friends or do embroidery or take walks, etc. It’s so weird. Maybe that’s not realistic. It just confuses me.
Topic #12
I honestly don’t believe that someone should not be considered responsible for their actions if they’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It was their choice to drink or use drugs in the first place. They have to realize that by doing so they’re accepting that they aren’t going to be thinking clearly and they’ll probably do bad things. It doesn’t make any sense to me why people do drugs, because it’s just gonna end up ruining their life, but it doesn’t make them any less responsible for the things they do. Drugs and alcohol might affect judgment but it’s their fault for using them in the first place.
I also don’t completely believe that minors aren’t responsible. Most of the time a teenager is going to know what they’re doing, unless they fall under another one of the categories. The younger the minor is, the less they are aware of whether things are right and wrong, but that’s something learned at a pretty early age.
Topic #13
Technology is one of those things that’s good a lot of the time, but has its downfalls. Sometimes when I’m taking notes in class or writing something up I wish I could just type it because it’s five billion times faster (not really). But technology is more susceptible to failure than boring old paper and pen. Well maybe not. Paper can be burned, or get water damage, etc. But technology gets viruses, things crash, if you don’t save something it’s gone… that’s real fun, especially when you just typed a huge long assignment and then you have to redo it. I do believe in technology overload. With all the phones, iPods, TVs and computers we’re plugged into all day I think we forget about reality. Like that there’s actually trees outside. Yeah, trees. But technology is useful too. Don’t get me wrong. Music is easy to access, information as well. It’s just easier now with the technology we have than it was just a few years ago. I remember the first time I got on the internet when we had a wireless connection. It was so weird. My mom was talking on the phone at the exact same time! It was like magic. Anyway, technology is nice, but sometimes it’s a good idea to go old-fashioned and read a book.

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