Sunday, May 23, 2010


Did you know that William Shakespeare wrote three plays in 1595? He wrote Richard II, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo and Juliet all within a year.
William Shakespeare was born April 23, 1564 is Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire to John Glover and Mary Aden. He is believed to be third of eight children, three of which died. William Shakespeare was baptized April 26, 1564 in the Holy Trinity Church. Due to his knowledge of Latin and Classic Greek it is believed that he went to free grammar school but known that he never continued to a university. Because he never went to a university there is speculation about whether or not he wrote all the plays he is believed to.
November 28, 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, their first daughter Susanna was born May 26, 1583. Then February 2, 1585 twins Judith and Hamnet were born. Hamnet died when he was 11, August 11, 1596 from the Black Plague.
Shakespeare wasn't around when his kids were young because he was out acting and writing in London. In 1588 he established himself in London as an actor and playwright. Shakespeare is believed to have written Henry VI, Part One between 1589 and 1590. Shortly after he started writing his collection of Sonnets, this grew to 154. Then in 1594 he joined Lord Chamberlain's Men as an actor, writer, and managing part of the company.
Shakespeare retired in 1610 and died six years later at the age of 52. He had written 37 plays which are still studied and performed all over the globe.

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  1. Work cited


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